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I have created a gig. But dont know which category my service type is in


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Hi team,


Yesterday, I have created my new gig and i have created it under graphics & design. Under that, I have used Industrial design and used 2D drawing. But I feel i am using the incorrect category. The service type I provide is I will provide a video on how a drawing robot will draw a custom image on a canvas. 

You can find my gig using this link and see it for yourself

Create a video on how a drawing robot will draw your image by Livinsider | Fiverr


Can you suggest me a good name for this gigand the category?


Thank you



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Hi @livinsider

This isn't my area of expertise, but if you are creating videos, shouldn't it be under the video & animation category? It might fall under the "Short Video Ads" sub-category, but you'll have to do your research in the video category and see what best fits your gig.

Also, FYI, gig links are not allowed in this category. I've asked for post to be moved to the "Improve My Gig" category where links are allowed. This will also help you get more relevant answers to your question.

Good luck and welcome to the forum!

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