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I am Shopify expert Why cannot get clients, Please suggest me.


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I am Professional Shopify expert. I have 5+ year working experience in another place and local place. But I cannot get order in fiverr and cannot get client in fiverr. Many Client have in this place. But I have some question for all clients. What kinds of seller you are like? What kind of like and suggest me. I will improve. 

My Fiverr Profile https://www.fiverr.com/nazmulhuda01?up_rollout=true

My protfolio : https://mdnazmulhuda178662.wixsite.com/my-site

My Skill :

Premium theme 

Shopify store design

Product upload

Theme customization

Apps setup

Droshipping store

One product store

Store management

SEO, Optimize

Sales boost and Any type of Shopify work I do.

Other skill :

Ms word

Ms Excel


Adobe Photoshop

Adobe illstrator


Content Writting

My Fiverr Profile https://www.fiverr.com/nazmulhuda01?up_rollout=true

My protfolio : https://mdnazmulhuda178662.wixsite.com/my-site

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2 hours ago, nazmulhuda01 said:

What kinds of seller you are like?


I'm both a Top Rated Seller and a buyer on the platform. I can tell you right away: I like buyers who are honest about their skills. 

You claim to be a fluent English speaker on your profile. That's clearly not true, based on your post here. 

You make some pretty bold claims on your profile. If you've really made "several 7-figure stores" for yourself, "sold 4 Shopify websites and made tremendous profits," and are "helping 15,000 entrepreneurs become successful", I would expect that you would manage to market yourself here on Fiverr as well.

People who make "several 7-figure stores" usually have the skills to market themselves successfully. 

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6 hours ago, nazmulhuda01 said:

I am Shopify expert Why cannot get clients, Please suggest me.

Until you improve your English skills, the rest does not matter.  Plus you should not lie about your proficiency level in English. You are most definitely not fluent in English, and when you lie about it on your profile, people wonder what else you are lying about.  




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@nazmulhuda01, Welcome to the forum!

I see that you had 6 orders within the last week and your last delivery was 7 hours ago. It seems like you are getting orders. Many sellers can't get that many orders when first starting out. 

I saw your status update and saw that you want to be a top-rated seller and you were frustrated that a top-rated seller had a more terrible-looking gig than you have.  I understand your frustration, but if they are getting sales and you aren't, that means they are doing something right that you aren't doing yourself. Not everyone gets that coveted top-rated badge, so I suggest you look at that top-rated seller and see what you can learn from them.

This isn't something that happens overnight. It takes time to build a business. You have great reviews and that's a good start.

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Dear Fiverr Success seller,

Please visit my profile and then tips me how to achieve Top rated seller badge. Advanced Thanks.

This Account was old I active some days ago, That's why I want this Top rated badge. Please tips me. How to get your Level 2 and Level one and Top rated Badge. Same way or Instruction give me. I hope follow your instruction and then I will success.

Profile https://www.fiverr.com/nazmulhuda01?up_rollout=true

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You have made 7 sales so far, well done, but don't run before you can walk.  Your first goal is to become a good freelancer.  Create market leading gigs and deliver exceptional customer service day in day out.  But please note, the path to TRS isn't easy, it can take years to get there, and even when you hit the metrics, you're not guaranteed to be accepted.  Unlike level 1 and level 2, top rated seller status requires a manual vetting of your gigs and profile. 

There's nothing wrong with striving for the top, but success takes a lot of research, tenacity and hard work.  

Being the owner of a business that is helping 15000 people achieve their aims, I'm sure you already know this. 😀

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3 hours ago, nazmulhuda01 said:

I hope follow your instruction and then I will success.

My instruction is to be honest and not lie about your level of English skills. The screenshot below from your profile is a lie, and if you are willing to lie about this, why should anyone trust you at all?



kiefer sutherland fangirl challenge GIF

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10 minutes ago, rakib_khan2 said:

1.You will marketing your gig social media. 

Marketing your gig in social media will not give you more "impressions". Impressions are how many times your gig has shown up on Fiverr.com - in search results, categories and so on. 

11 minutes ago, rakib_khan2 said:

2.Send more buyer request

Buyer Requests is a race to the bottom. Even if you manage to get some orders from here, it probably won't be for much and Fiverr values gigs that earn money. 

12 minutes ago, rakib_khan2 said:

3. And try to active more time 

This is simply a lie and a myth. Being active does not get you more business. If that were true, all the experienced sellers on the forum are wrong. This myth has been debunked many times. 

@rakib_khan2 – you're a seller with zero reviews and no success on Fiverr. Why are you posting bad advice to other sellers? You should be reading, learning and developing your own skills, not wasting energy posting false advice on the forum. 

@nazmulhuda01 – Fiverr will show your gig to more people (thereby increasing the amount of impressions you get) if you do a great job. That means impressing your buyers and delivering high-quality services. It all starts with being honest about your skills. Since you're in the web design category, it helps to know how to design. I would recommend learning the newest design trends and re-design your thumbnails. They don't look very good and won't attract many buyers, even if you get a bunch of impressions. 

In the last 30 minutes alone, you've posted four topics about the same thing: gig impressions. Please stop spamming the forum. 



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Fiverr probably thinks that nobody needs more than 150 favorites. You give favorites to the gigs you consider buying at some point (that's what favoriting gigs is for, to serve as a bookmark so they're easier to find when you decide to make a purchase). Do you truly intend to purchase more than 150?

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8 minutes ago, nazmulhuda01 said:

my impression is 167+ Decrease daily. So How to improve this.

Impressions don't matter.

Let's say you have a store in the mall. Impressions are people passing by your store but not entering. Does that matter? NO.

Clicks matter, because those are people entering your store, but they don't initiate an order. Why don't they buy anything from you? Clearly they were interested, but something in your gig puts them off....  

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1 hour ago, donnovan86 said:

Impressions don't matter.

Let's say you have a store in the mall. Impressions are people passing by your store but not entering. Does that matter? NO.

Clicks matter, because those are people entering your store, but they don't initiate an order. Why don't they buy anything from you? Clearly they were interested, but something in your gig puts them off....  

I agree with you completely. Can you tell how to increase the click?
I know, the gig image should be attractive. Apart from that, is there anything else? 

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1 hour ago, nishannn said:

I know, the gig image should be attractive. Apart from that, is there anything else? 

Experiment with everything. Titles, videos, images, descriptions. Go through trial and error, see what you can change and then wait a while to assess its effects. The worst thing is that nothing changes, but you might end up with a winner. Also, create other gigs too, you never know which one might take off.

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17 hours ago, donnovan86 said:

Experiment with everything. Titles, videos, images, descriptions. Go through trial and error, see what you can change and then wait a while to assess its effects. The worst thing is that nothing changes, but you might end up with a winner. Also, create other gigs too, you never know which one might take off.

How long should it take to assess the changes??
I heard, it takes 21days to see the effect. Is it true ? 

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