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If your gigs start getting less than 5 star rating, would you leave Fiverr?


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steveeyes said: Reply to @typingservice: I agree with you as long as we get buyers who use the rating system as intended and not as a way to scam sellers. As Fiverr has grown so have unethical buyers (sellers too). Lets make the playing field even. If buyers ratings are posted in sellers profile, than so should sellers rating be posted in buyers profiles. This may help weed out unethical buyers and sellers, but as is, ratings only effects sellers reputation making the playing field tilted in favor of buyers.


If a buyer wanted to circumvent that, they could just make disposable accounts. They don't have as much to lose. If they get banned or dislike a comment on their profile, they could easily make a new one. Five minutes later and they're good to go! In contrast, a seller would have to create new gigs and build a reputation.


steveeyes said: Reply to @typingservice Get rid of buyers using the rating system as a way to blackmail and abuse sellers and you won't hear a peep out me.



Many complained about abuse even with the thumbs up-thumbs down system. If it's egregious, it can be reported to CSC. I haven't personally run into a buyer that was trying to blackmail or be that abusive. No doubt it does happen. With that said, it would be easier to keep the 100% with the old rating system. It's stressing a lot of sellers out, I wish they would just change it back. Fiverr could just put out a new blog post and say, "Ha Ha, just kidding!."


steveeyes said: Reply to @typingserviceStop the abuse or make the playing field even and I have no qualms about using a rating system as long as it is being used as it was intended to be used. Not as a weapon to be used to get your way or they will shoot you in the head with 1 star as pay back.


I think whatever rating system we use, it may at times be used as a bargaining chip for buyers to get what they want.






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