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Should I delete my gigs ?


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I created my Fiverr account almost 3 years ago my First order was from Facebook to Fiverr and after some time I got a buyer and I worked with him almost 2 years and have 10 orders with him In that two years I don't get any other buyer I got reviews on my gigs but I didn't get any orders form other buyers 

Now my repeat buyers don't have work and I can clearly see that my gigs which have reviews are not performing I have tried by changing  title description and tags but not getting results now I am thinking of creating new gigs and may be new account ?

What are your suggestions on this 

1: Should I make a new account ?

2: Should I delete my gigs and create new ones ?

3 : Should I change the title and discription of gigs ?

Thanks In advance 😊 


If you have 10 review out of 10 order or more than five review. I would suggest you to continue with older one change title and description, research about the niche you provide the services. If less than 5 You may open new account or you can also delete the gigs. To get first review it's so hard.


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