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HELP!! Very high Impressions, 5% Click rate, and 0.05% Order rate (on ONE gig). Any advice for improvement? My confidence is dropping!


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Hello Everyone:

I'm trying to get some advice on what I can do to improve my gig. Currently, I have two gigs up (but I'm thinking of removing my Resume service gig because it's just not getting ANY Clicks or Orders); I think my efforts may be better utilized on the gig that IS getting a few Clicks and Orders. 

I constantly receive Impressions on both gigs but a very miniscule amount of Clicks and Orders. I received two orders on my Beta/Sensitivity Reading gig (the one I'm keeping) but I haven't received any new orders since starting the second order and it's almost finished. I received a 5 star rating on the first order. I was VERY happy because I put a LOT of work into it and I want to do the same for every order! My goal is to keep at least one order in my queue at all times (so that I can have something "in the works").

During my first week on Fiverr (July 1st-8th of this year), I received a bad response rate. This was caused by using the Fiverr phone app only (and not being notified that I had a message for TWO days). I found this out because one day, I signed into Fiverr from my laptop to see if there was something I could do to improve my gig when I noticed I had a red circle by the Message tab. The message had NEVER shown up on the Fiverr phone app!! I reached out to Fiverr Support for assistance (but I never received a response). Eventually, I got on the Forum (plus watched a few Youtube videos) and everyone kept advising to reinstall the app (which I did). I guess the problem is fixed because I starting seeing messages (but I STILL check my phone AND my computer almost every hour now because I'm so paranoid about missing a message)!

As you can probably realize, it's been a HUGE battle to improve my response rate (EVEN THOUGH I respond to EVERY message as soon as I get on). Luckily, my response rate HAS improved (from 2 days to 11 hours) after answering a couple of messages (the only way I can seem to improve my rate). I know it could be a huge red flag so I really need to start getting more messages from potential Buyers just to improve my rate. However, that's an issue right now since I'm not receiving messages. Even the spammers have stopped spamming me in order for me to answer THEIR questions to improve my rate!! LOL

While I wait for my response rate to improve, I've tried reviewing my gig to see if there are other things I could improve on to increase my Click and Order rates. I'm putting a link to my gig below and would really appreciate it if you guys could review it and send me any tips on how to improve. https://www.fiverr.com/share/EX7A7y

I will be adding a new gig for writing blog posts after I finish this second order (since I've heard you should try to put up as many gigs as you're allowed). I do feel there's a "fine line" between getting enough orders yet not getting overwhelmed at the same time. For now, I just want to work on improving this gig so that the next one I decide to add has all of the "essentials" it needs to succeed.

**PS - I originally had a video up with the gig but decided to "tweak" it; when I took it down, I actually got MORE impressions, clicks and orders. Go figure.*

Thanks in advance for ANY advice!


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47 minutes ago, omnilegentangel said:

Hello Everyone:

I'm trying to get some advice on what I can do to improve my gig. Currently, I have two gigs up (but I'm thinking of removing my Resume service gig because it's just not getting ANY Clicks or Orders); I think my efforts may be better utilized on the gig that IS getting a few Clicks and Orders. 

I constantly receive Impressions on both gigs but a very miniscule amount of Clicks and Orders. I received two orders on my Beta/Sensitivity Reading gig (the one I'm keeping) but I haven't received any new orders since starting the second order and it's almost finished. I received a 5 star rating on the first order. I was VERY happy because I put a LOT of work into it and I want to do the same for every order! My goal is to keep at least one order in my queue at all times (so that I can have something "in the works").

During my first week on Fiverr (July 1st-8th of this year), I received a bad response rate. This was caused by using the Fiverr phone app only (and not being notified that I had a message for TWO days). I found this out because one day, I signed into Fiverr from my laptop to see if there was something I could do to improve my gig when I noticed I had a red circle by the Message tab. The message had NEVER shown up on the Fiverr phone app!! I reached out to Fiverr Support for assistance (but I never received a response). Eventually, I got on the Forum (plus watched a few Youtube videos) and everyone kept advising to reinstall the app (which I did). I guess the problem is fixed because I starting seeing messages (but I STILL check my phone AND my computer almost every hour now because I'm so paranoid about missing a message)!

As you can probably realize, it's been a HUGE battle to improve my response rate (EVEN THOUGH I respond to EVERY message as soon as I get on). Luckily, my response rate HAS improved (from 2 days to 11 hours) after answering a couple of messages (the only way I can seem to improve my rate). I know it could be a huge red flag so I really need to start getting more messages from potential Buyers just to improve my rate. However, that's an issue right now since I'm not receiving messages. Even the spammers have stopped spamming me in order for me to answer THEIR questions to improve my rate!! LOL

While I wait for my response rate to improve, I've tried reviewing my gig to see if there are other things I could improve on to increase my Click and Order rates. I'm putting a link to my gig below and would really appreciate it if you guys could review it and send me any tips on how to improve. https://www.fiverr.com/share/EX7A7y

I will be adding a new gig for writing blog posts after I finish this second order (since I've heard you should try to put up as many gigs as you're allowed). I do feel there's a "fine line" between getting enough orders yet not getting overwhelmed at the same time. For now, I just want to work on improving this gig so that the next one I decide to add has all of the "essentials" it needs to succeed.

**PS - I originally had a video up with the gig but decided to "tweak" it; when I took it down, I actually got MORE impressions, clicks and orders. Go figure.*

Thanks in advance for ANY advice!


A 5% click-through-rate is not bad. How good/bad it is depends on your competition and how many of them there are. My CTR is about the same and even lower, yet I would consider myself very successful as a top rated seller with almost 900 reviews. 

When it comes to your conversion rate, it also depends on your niche, offering and so on. Some categories tend to have a lot of window shoppers, while others just clicks, orders and that's it. 

I wrote this about increasing conversions: 


If 5% click on your gig but almost no one orders it, you need to focus on the message they see after the click (i.e. gig videos, gig description, packages and so on). 

I hope this helps! 

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10 hours ago, smashradio said:

I also think @vickieito could be helpful here. She's a queen when it comes to gig descriptions. 

Aww, that's so sweet of you, @smashradio! Now I have to live up to your expectations! 😅

11 hours ago, omnilegentangel said:

but I'm thinking of removing my Resume service gig

Please don't!! For 5 months, my resume gig was only getting a few orders a month. So I never really paid attention to it. Then in that 5th month, I qualified for the Fiverr's Choice badge and received 64 resume orders that month. I almost died. 😂With all my gigs, I had 87 orders that month. That allowed me to significantly increase my prices. I increased my average selling price per order from $15 to $110 and have been doing well ever since. Sometimes it takes a while for a gig to gain traction. This is my best selling gig now. And the first gig I posted, has never been a best selling gig for me.

11 hours ago, omnilegentangel said:

I will be adding a new gig for writing blog posts after I finish this second order (since I've heard you should try to put up as many gigs as you're allowed).

Good for you! I quickly set up 7 gigs when I got started, and all of them (except for the 1st one) were all based on requests from customers in my inbox. I find when you listen to customers (and you have the skills to deliver), you can do really well. Having the different gigs also helped me to deal with the ebb and flows on orders from my other gig.

My best selling gig used to be data entry and beta reading, but they both were quiet for the last few months while I was busy with my other gigs. Now it looks like they're both starting to pick up again. I found beta reading was one of the best gigs to get started with because: 1) it was the only way I could get orders through Buyer Requests, 2) the authors used me to beta read several books, and 3) they left great reviews, which attracted more inquiries and more clients. However, beta reading has never been a money maker for me (only good PR).

For example, I'm beta reading a 20k book and a 85k book. For both of them, I asked for 1 month turnaround because I am so busy with other orders. Based on the income I'll get from these beta reading orders, it's nothing - I can easily make double the amount in less than a single day of a couple of resume orders. However, I keep these beta reading orders just because I like to read and most of the authors I work with are repeat authors, so we have a relationship there.

11 hours ago, omnilegentangel said:

I constantly receive Impressions on both gigs but a very miniscule amount of Clicks and Orders.

As @smashradio mentioned, low clicks and orders means that your gig is not attractive to buyers for some reason. If you follow @smashradio, you'll constantly hear him talking about making yourself unique from the masses of sellers who offer the same service (like me). I think you do a great job letting your personality shine in your profile and gig descriptions. Looking at both of your gigs, I think you can do the following to make your gigs more attractive:

1. Simplify your gig images & thumbnail. There is way too much text going on. You should only have 3-5 words maximum and they should be related to your service. The picture should also be related to your service.

2. Add those gig videos back in! I know you mentioned you got more orders and clicks, when you took them down, but you are new. You only have one order completed and one order in queue. I have found that videos do help.

3. Go crazy with your portfolios! Don't just have one image, have many! When I first started, I attached a PDF with several pages of my portfolio. I even included portfolio images in my gig videos. You could beta read your own stories. I created over 37 different resume templates and had a PDF resume catalog attached to my resume gig (now I just provide a Flickr link). I had a lot of time back then and made up my own projects to add to my portfolios. I have since taken it down because I use the Live Gallery and have many reviews. However, when I first started, my portfolio images made all the difference. They were the reason why buyers approached me in my inbox.

4. Utilize all of your gig extras. This will increase your average selling price. For example:


5. Take advantage of Buyer Request and Buyer Briefs. I only make offers on Buyer Requests for Beta Reading and I only respond to Buyer Briefs for resume orders. This is how I got my first few orders, and what helped bring new orders in.

12 hours ago, omnilegentangel said:

Even the spammers have stopped spamming me in order for me to answer THEIR questions to improve my rate!! LOL

Oh, this is too funny! I used to love getting junk mail for the same reason... 😂

Don't worry too much about your response rate, just do your best to drive traffic to your gig and respond as quickly as you can. Still get your sleep and work reasonable hours. It will get better over time and with more traffic that comes to your gig.

Hopefully I haven't bored you to death! Let me know if you have any other questions! I know we are considered "competitors" but I don't see it that way. We are both unique and have different things to bring to the table. If buyers want someone who's more dry and boring, they can come to me. And if they want a little more personality and fun, they can go to you!

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Hi Vickieito:

Oh my goodness, you are awesome!! I appreciate you SO MUCH for looking over my gig when you could have been making money. THANK YOU! I will return the favor one day I promise! You're such a wealth of knowledge!! lol. Yes, I actually started following smashradio yesterday; I now follow 4 people. For now, that's enough; I don't like to have too many cooks in the kitchen, ok? Plus, I like to be an "engaged" follower and you can't do that when you're following too many folks.

Ok, so I am blown away by all of your great suggestions. I don't want to throw more on your plate than you can handle, but maybe you should set up a "job coaching" gig? lol. Think about that ma'am!

Alright, back to the task at hand:

1. I have NO clue about some of the things you mentioned (i.e., Buyer Briefs; Flickr, or Live Gallery). Of course I'm willing to learn (once I figure out WHERE the heck to learn them from AND from whom!). I'm assuming I can learn about Buyer Briefs here on Fiverr; the others, I don't have a clue and there's nothing worse than learning from people who don't know what the heck they're talking about. Ouch!! 

2. I got a request from a Buyer (once) via the Buyer Request tool (but it was for something I had NO clue about so I denied that one). I actually look at this at least 1-2 times/day everyday but I never see anything listed? I don't know if: (a) I don't have it set to notify me, (b) I'm not getting them because I only have two types of gigs up, or (c) it's broken. I've read a few posts that talked about it being down? I just don't know. Whenever I check it, it only shows that I can do up to 10 responses. I've only seen requests up there ONCE and they were all for things I didn't feel qualified to perform.

3. Once I get finished with this order, I'm DEFINITELY going to put your suggestions into action. You have a lot (which is good) so it might take me a few days. i want to know what I'm changing and change it all at once because everytime I have made a change to my gig, it seems to go through a whole "re-generation" process and I get placed somewhere on the last few pages of the actual gig. I really like the Extras you suggested; I'll pick the best two for me since I think right now, I can only add in two "self-made" extras. The problem here is the pricing. As a new seller, I can only go up to $20 for my pricing. As you know, reading a book (and even just doing in-line comments/reactions) can be time consuming. I don't want to ever be late on ANY project but to price some extras at $20 would probably keep me from offering more of my time to even do other projects. Once I get to a Level One Seller, I'll be able to offer more services at a rate that would help reduce this conflict.

4. I definitely want to offer In-line editing (as I see a lot of Readers offering this service and I've always believed that by not offering this service, I'm losing out on Buyers who want it all). Right now, I'm learning the process since I've edited manuscripts before but not in the way I believe an author of a book would need. And because I'm NOT the kind of person to offer something I'm not good at (or even worse, have no clue about), I just think it would create a bad reputation which is something I really won't allow!  I've been looking at Reedsy to learn about the process so I'm confident I'll be able to offer it soon. I definitely think offering other types of editing (i.e., developmental editing, etc.) would help show Buyers I have more services to offer (and become more of a "one-stop" shop). I've tried watching YouTube videos on certain editorial processes but there's SO MANY differing opinions on how to do editing that it gets to be confusing. I'm also looking at Skillshare and Udemy to see if they may have any courses specific to this skillset (but to me, it's almost like a secret society or something)! lol. If you have any suggestions on where to learn some of the more common skills used by all Readers (Beta, Sensitivity, Alpha, Gamma, and/or ARC), PLEASE pass let me know!

5. Ok. so the other issue that I forgot to ask about concerns pricing. I don't want to price myself out of the market once I add in more specialized services (like line editing, developmental editing, etc.) but in my opinion, there doesn't seems to be any "rhyme or reason" as to how to convey to Buyers that you're willing to work at a reasonable rate (when they clearly see you have the skills to earn more than most people on Fiverr are charging). I even think my gigs are being passed over because they just DON'T believe I would do the amount of work I stated I would do for the price I'm charging!! But I will, I will!!! LOL. Idk; pricing is such a delicate tight rope. lol

6. Ok, I HAD to bring this one up: HOW in the world did you do 87 orders in a month??? Did you hire help or not sleep or what?? I'm so afraid this might happen to me one day so you HAVE to tell me how you handled that one! I probably would have had a heart attack!! Wow!! 

7. Finally, I guess as a new seller, I just don't feel as confidence as I want to feel. I know confidence comes in time by actually doing the work but it's still hard.  I was a professional in a certain field for more than 25 years and could do that work with my eyes closed! But, I digress. Although I'm pretty much using the same skills, I know it's "a new day and a new adventure" which is why I'm SO appreciative of the information I get from this forum (and ESPECIALLY from people like you, smashradio, bigspaniard, and williambryan392). 

Sorry this was long and I have to get back to work to finish this second order ON TIME. You TRULY, TRULY have been a HUGE help to me and if no one ever tells you so, I want you to know that YOU... ARE... SPECIAL....AND.....YOU....ARE....SO APPRECIATED!!! I wish you all the success you can handle!! 


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19 hours ago, omnilegentangel said:

1. I have NO clue about some of the things you mentioned (i.e., Buyer Briefs; Flickr, or Live Gallery). Of course I'm willing to learn (once I figure out WHERE the heck to learn them from AND from whom!). I'm assuming I can learn about Buyer Briefs here on Fiverr; the others, I don't have a clue and there's nothing worse than learning from people who don't know what the heck they're talking about. Ouch!! 

2. I got a request from a Buyer (once) via the Buyer Request tool (but it was for something I had NO clue about so I denied that one). I actually look at this at least 1-2 times/day everyday but I never see anything listed? I don't know if: (a) I don't have it set to notify me, (b) I'm not getting them because I only have two types of gigs up, or (c) it's broken. I've read a few posts that talked about it being down? I just don't know. Whenever I check it, it only shows that I can do up to 10 responses. I've only seen requests up there ONCE and they were all for things I didn't feel qualified to perform.

Hi Angela! Visit your "Gigs" tab to turn on the Buyer Briefs. You can set the dollar amount to what you want. I have it set for $100 right now, but really don't make offers unless it is for $150 or more.


Also on the "Gig" page you can click on the drop down menu for each gig and select "Live Portfolio" to turn that on. You will need to deliver an image with each order (and make sure that image is the one highlighted). The buyer can then decide to include the image with their reviews.


Flickr is just a photo sharing  site where you can upload images and share with others on Fiverr. I use it for my resume and cover letter catalogs as well as sharing some of my portfolio work.

As for Buyer Requests - if you don't see any, don't worry about them. Check whenever you have time and if you see one, send in an offer. As a new seller, those can disappear within seconds (only a certain number per level can apply). There aren't too many available for new sellers.

19 hours ago, omnilegentangel said:

HOW in the world did you do 87 orders in a month??? Did you hire help or not sleep or what?? I'm so afraid this might happen to me one day so you HAVE to tell me how you handled that one! I probably would have had a heart attack!! Wow!! 

It was awful!! I tried to hire help, but ended up redoing all the work myself. So I did do it by myself and I did have to cancel 3 orders that month.  Here's what I did to prevent this from happening again:


19 hours ago, omnilegentangel said:

Finally, I guess as a new seller, I just don't feel as confidence as I want to feel.

I get how you feel. I felt the exact same way when I first got started. It gets easier with time and as you complete more orders.

And reading all the reviews from your buyers can give you confidence as well. 😊

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Hi Vickieito:

Thanks again for all the info; it's very helpful.

I got a chance to look at your gig and I was surprised to see that you also offer a Scorecard; I thought it was a very "novel" idea when I first did it (since I hadn't seen or heard of anyone else doing them before I started) but I guess great minds think alike! LOL. Personally, I think they're great to use with any type of Beta/Sensitivity Reading and offer it as a standard part of my services. They can be a lot of work but I consider them less work than line edits.. Plus, I get to pinpoint more categories than I could in a regular Reader Report for the client. 

I finished my second gig (on time) so I'm happy. Now.... time to catch up on my blog, redo my gig cards, and start a new gig! I'll be busy but HAPPY! 

Thanks again, 


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