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Just midly annoying.


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So I wake up this morning and check my Fiverr messages.

One says "Hola."

OK, I don't speak Spanish but at least I know what that means. Problem is it was just that one word.
So I respond, asking him/her if he has any questions. It is rare, but I HAVE had people who message me with a "Hi" "Hello" that did
turn into an actual order.

So far, no reply. OK, fine.

Second message.
It said "I want to work in the Japanese freelance business."
That's it, no "Hello" not even a Hola. Hey, at least the first guy said hi.

I replied just for the heck of it, saying something like "Do you understand Japanese at a native level?"
He replies "not yet."

Huh........good bye.
Well, it was just 2 minutes that got wasted, not that bad.
I was mildly annoyed, but it was OK. Besides my friend got me a tiramisu cupcake in the afternoon, so that was great. 😄 😄 😄
 I hope you all had a good way with a nice snack.


5 hours ago, zeus777 said:

I was mildly annoyed, but it was OK. Besides my friend got me a tiramisu cupcake in the afternoon, so that was great

I saw this awesome tiramisu ice-cream in the store (we are stuck at home with COVID so we shopped online T.T) but didn't buy it because we already have a freezer full of stuff. Now I regret my decisions! 

As for spammers... at least the first guy was polite ha. Second person... I guess they'll be back when they are fluent? 

Interestingly enough, I haven't gotten any spam in a while, not since I became TRS actually. Not that I'm complaining, it's great but a bit odd! 

I've also had some 'hellos' turn into orders by the way - I think some people just hit enter too quickly 😄


Sooooo much spam lately. Just had a guy tell me he can do "my project" in 4 days. Don't ask me why 4 days, when he doesn't even know what I want done, probably someone told him that 4 days is the ideal length for people to not think they'll get a Google translation and at the same time won't bail because they don't want to wait too long.
And don't ask me why those governments or gurus or Ytrs, or whoever sends them all, doesn't tell them the difference between Gigs and BRs. I'm glad the Spam/Report buttons are just virtual, else I'd have broken them by now, like my right shift key... 😔


ETA: Ha! "Fixed" it. Thank the kami-sama for washi tape. Hopefully, now, I won't get the # all the time, when I want the ' ... Yay!




I occasionally consider timing all the non-paid work hours wasted by handling messages like this and other nonsensical things to see how it affects my average hourly earnings. Then I remind myself that it would probably just depress me, and I move on. It is certainly annoying though.

12 hours ago, katakatica said:

I think some people just hit enter too quickly 😄

Yup, so when I see that one-word "Hello" message, I do respond. At one point in my Fiverr years I assumed that it was spam and I blocked them right away.
Still, I'd say a good 95% is spam. And oh, the cupcake was really nice.


8 hours ago, melanielm said:

I occasionally consider timing all the non-paid work hours wasted by handling messages like this

I think I've done that before as well... sometimes my mind will wander off and I'll get lost in this "what if" realm of Fiverrland.


10 hours ago, miiila said:

Thank the kami-sama for washi tape.

Ohhhhh  washi tapes are a god-send! I buy a good number of them from Daiso! BTW I'm a bit curious to find out how in the heck did you break the key!?
It looks like a pretty big hole.



I have one person stop by my gig to say hello from time to time.

Couple weeks ago we talked about some drawings she needs. She found my prices a bit high and told me she will consult with her team and get back to me.

After a while she said "hi" and i answered if she changed her mind. No response.

After couple days, again with another "hello". This time i said "good day"

2 days ago she came by to say "hi" again. I asked if i can help her. No response again

I guess we are building a steady relationship 😄 I will make some coffee for the next time. Maybe she is not brave enough to ask me out to take a look at the forums together and just walking around my shop to force me to it 😄 

12 hours ago, ozan_erdi said:

After couple days, again with another "hello". This time i said "good day"

2 days ago she came by to say "hi" again. I asked if i can help her. No response again

I think same people contacting us. If she decided to do test project please don't do it. I did almost full project for sketch price. And never contacted me again. 🤪

On 7/28/2022 at 11:04 PM, zeus777 said:

So far, no reply. OK, fine.

Maybe he hired someone else. I actually got a message from someone who hired someone else, but wants to hire me if it doesn't work out. I said that was perfectly fine. Don't fear your competitors. 


On 7/28/2022 at 11:04 PM, zeus777 said:

It said "I want to work in the Japanese freelance business."

I saw your gigs, none of them relate to freelancing in Japanese. 

  • 2 weeks later...
On 7/31/2022 at 1:54 AM, gongor32 said:

I think same people contacting us. If she decided to do test project please don't do it. I did almost full project for sketch price. And never contacted me again. 🤪

Dont worry. I dont do test stuff. Specially not cheaper than my standart prices.


I get these sorts of messages all the time.  I always respond immediately and just say something like, "Hi! How can I help you?"  If they are spam, I respond once more, and then I block and report them.  That's the only solution I've found.  But not responding is not good advice, as this can definitely impact your response rate/time, which is a big factor in your standings.


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