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Should I delete my current accout and create the new one?

Guest imdevipa_art


Guest imdevipa_art

Hello everyone.

I have been on fiverr as seller for 3 months but I have not gotten a first buyer yet. My gigs impression are too low. I have created 4 gigs and from one gig I usually only get 2 to 11 impression per day. Is too low, isn't it? I have changed my tags sometimes my gig title. Yes,  it makes my impression increase but only for several days later. What should I do? Shoud I delete my current account and create the new one? 

Thank you

2 answers to this question

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On 7/29/2022 at 1:26 AM, s_r_sujon said:

Stay online 16/7, use Mobile Apps to stay online for maximum time.

Choose a proper keyword in the title of your Gig.

Share your Gigs to Social Media.

Don’t get the orders canceled on your Gig.

Maintain a good response rate on your profile.

Timely provide final deliveries.

Use proper search tags while creating a Gig.


These are horrible advices. You dont know what you are talking about.

-Staying online wont help. This is a freelancing platform. Freelanceing means working when you want to/when you have to. If you think you have to sit in front of the computer 16 hours a day, you are not freelancing. Im not even opening fiverr unless someone messages me.

-Sharing your gig with social media will probbly not work. Who are you going to share with? Your family and friends? Are they gonna buy your services? OR are you going to find some "fiverr" groups in facebook and share there? Why would any buyer be a part of those groups? This will most likely will not do any good either.


Do you really think these are helpful? What if everyone starts to stay online 24 hours a day? Does everybody gets a job? NO

Fiverrs algoritm will rotate the gigs in search results to give a chance to everyone. Sometimes people will see you, sometimes they will see someone else. You cant do anything to change "impressions" as it is depends on the algoritm. You can however, make your gig a better and more professional looking so your clicks may go up.

Deleting your account wont help. 


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