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Buyer with multiple profile..

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Hi Everyone,

Hope you all fine. Today encountered with a buyer having multiple profile. Firstly i got message from buyer 1st profile to examine the website color theme. basically buyer wanted to add more colors to website. after examine the website i sent my opinion to buyer. Then after few minute Buyer send me message from 2nd fresh profile ( profile without any dp, details and review) to start the work that we discussed on 1st profile.

But it seems me fishy, so i just reported both profile and blocked also.

I like to know your opinion on this..
what you will do in this case.


Thank You:



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This has happened to me twice. What i have realised is, most people open fiverr on both, their phones and laptops/computers.


Some of them have two different profiles open on different devices. This could be because of multiple reasons but they are the same person.


As long as the buyer does not user different accounts to haggle you or cheat you, its completely alright. Although, you can ask for a clarification from them too, that’s how i came to know about this phenomenon.

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It could happen for many reason. But most important reason is this, The buyer account which was using for buying the gig is mostly highly secured, they use that account only for buying stuff with credit card included. they dont want share anything in that account.

as i faced this in one gig.

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24 minutes ago, kirhood_jr said:

It could happen for many reason. But most important reason is this, The buyer account which was using for buying the gig is mostly highly secured, they use that account only for buying stuff with credit card included. they dont want share anything in that account.

as i faced this in one gig.

Exactly! This could be a big reason too.

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