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All of my GIGS are ben shifted to the last pages




I'm getting de-motivated since last two days that this has happened to me, suddenly all my gigs are been demoted to the last page from the first page, despite my activeness and hardworking, I'm still yet to know what happened.

Please can anyone recommend what I should do in order to get it back to the first page, have been lazy to work since and I hate it.


Anyone experienced such an unexpected event? Please your input would be really needed to save an unemployed soul.

5 answers to this question

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39 minutes ago, creative_lursh said:

despite my activeness and hardworking

What did that activeness and hardworking includes? What exactly you were doing? I see you have only 3 reviews so it’s much work with orders and what do you mean by “activeness”? Do you mean staying online? 

It’s also pointless to search your own gig because fiverr shows different results to different people. You can see it on last page but other people can see it higher if your gig matches their search and preference. 


Fiverr continously cycles gigs to be in different pages on the search results. Sometimes at the front, sometimes at the back. This is to give everyone an equal opportunity to do well on fiverr. When you're on the front you will have more impressions. Nearer to the back of the search results will mean less impressions.

Learning to search through the forum is the best way to learn how to improve your gig, stats, orders, etc on Fiverr.
Since the same questions are posted every single day and hundreds of people have spent hundreds of hours answering them. 


Guest lloydsolutions
3 hours ago, creative_lursh said:

suddenly all my gigs are been demoted to the last page from the first page,

In the marketplace, a Gig's position is based on the seller’s performance over a set period. Gig positions are not permanent and can rotate daily. 

There are many factors to take into consideration, some of which may include: 

  • Order cancellations
  • Delivery rate
  • Responsiveness
  • The particular Gig’s maximum number of active orders in the queue, as based on your seller level.  
  • Other Gigs performing at a higher rate.

If other sellers are ranked higher, they may be consistently getting 5-star feedback, delivering on time, communicating quicker, and so on. It all counts. For this reason, ensure that you provide high-quality and original work, avoid late deliveries and cancellations, are responsive, and always remain professional.

The above is from the Help Centre.



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