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Can fiver show some love to new sellers?


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Greetings everyone! I am here to share my Fiverr experience as a new seller.
I have been on Fiverr for 57 days while I created five gigs. During this period, I tried to optimize my Gigs regularly, did SEO, and keyword research, read all Fiver tips, and applied them mostly. I have done keyword research and put those keywords in Url, Title, and description, as well as in the pricing category. I also used high-resolution images, and the size of those images are 4.5 MBs. I did social media advertisements and shared my Gigs on multiple Gig promotion pages on FB. I also send buyer requests, and I barely get them, 5 or 6, if I am online all the time. 
Despite all the efforts, I could not rank my Gigs on the top pages of the "relevant category" on search on specific keywords. They barely appear there, not even on the 13th, 14th, or the 20th page, unless you click online seller, so my Gigs appear on the second or third pages in a single keyword only (all Gigs), and my impressions are average below 80 for one Gig and below 30 for the rest and 1-3 clicks per day. I get these impressions when I am online 16 hours a day. If I am online for two to three hours, my Gigs get half of those impressions and clicks.
While the seller in the first pages enjoy thousand of views and get orders regularly. When You  search a specific keywords while you click local, online seller, or seller in general, their Gigs appear on the first page. I agree that they have been there since 2019, 20, etc., but what about the new seller? How will they get exposure? So here is my question, why don't new sellers (especially those that work hard) appear on the first pages of the relevant category? What if Fiverr give them chances to appear on the first page for two days and the top seller or seller with some orders appear on the first pages for five days? In this way, new sellers will get the exposure that they need. Also, Fiverr should show more buyer requests to the new sellers the same way like the top sellers or sellers with some orders. I saw a YT video yesterday, and the seller in the video was receiving 816 buyer requests (not talking about sent requests). I was shocked to know that. I hope Fiverr shows some love to new sellers.
Please share your opinions or suggestions about these issues.

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1 hour ago, prosjs said:

I did social media advertisements and shared my Gigs on multiple Gig promotion pages on FB.

This will not work. They are not Buyers. They are not your target market.

1 hour ago, prosjs said:

I could not rank my Gigs on the top pages of the "relevant category" on search on specific keywords.

Fiverr states:


The placement of your Gig in search depends on Fiverr’s algorithm which takes into account quality and business measurements to ensure optimized and personalized results. [...] Remember: Gig positions are not permanent and can rotate daily.

Source: https://www.fiverr.com/support/articles/4599361153809-Cant-find-your-Gig

1 hour ago, prosjs said:

I get these impressions when I am online 16 hours a day. If I am online for two to three hours, my Gigs get half of those impressions and clicks.

Proof that 'stay online' doesn't work.

1 hour ago, prosjs said:

what about the new seller? How will they get exposure? So here is my question, why don't new sellers (especially those that work hard) appear on the first pages of the relevant category? What if Fiverr give them chances to appear on the first page for two days and the top seller or seller with some orders appear on the first pages for five days?

1) New Sellers do get a chance. But only a short one. If you cannot prove yourself viable when that window was provided, why should Fiverr continue to boost?
2) Self-exposure. PROPER marketing.
3) You probably did.
4) You probably did, and those 'top' Sellers are simply outperforming you.

Question: how many other new sellers are currently on said 'front' page? I'm going to bet there are a few.

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Other than what was already said - basically 9 out of 10 new sellers are 'working hard' like you are. That means what, thousands of people on a weekly basis?

Fiverr tries to be fair but I don't think it's as easy as people expect it to be. 

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Fiverr shows love to new sellers. I was searching within my category and some of the first results, be it for Relevance or Best Selling are people with 5-10 reviews at most. I would experiment, improve gigs, then you might be lucky and Fiverr starts promoting your gigs.

On 7/20/2022 at 5:42 PM, katakatica said:

Fiverr tries to be fair but I don't think it's as easy as people expect it to be. 

Obviously people think Fiverr is fair only when it benefits them. If they are not promoted because they gigs are low quality or with bad reviews, then it's Fiverr's fault 🙂

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hello, prosjs,
We know it can be difficult sometimes to find the right place on the market for your gigs, from what you have written you for sure followed the basic path wich any Fiverr seller has taken a long time before you, for someone it worked for other like you it was not enough. 
Our suggestion is to try to elevate your work above the competition, try offering some special extra service included in your gigs sometimes doing an extra 30 minutes of work can lead to beutifulll surprise.
Another good tips we feel want to share whit you is simple yet a potent one, think outside the box. 
If you imagine that Fiverr and its ecosystem are your box try something different to drive attention to your gigs, we are not aware of the type of work you usually perform but let's assume you create beautiful photos, take it a step deeper, research a niche in this specific category which is not yet present on the gig marketplace, for example, you can offer a "I will create beautiful horse photos" this will incentivize a specific target audience to come directly to you if they need a horse photo. This will lead to more elaborate marketing strategies and will make your job much more fun and rewarding if you know what you are doing.

And most important don't expect Fiverr to feed you, clients, work hard and find your clients and bring them here so Fiverr is happy and you will be too. You can start at the local farm maybe they have some horses there.


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4 hours ago, prosjs said:

Despite all the efforts, I could not rank my Gigs on the top pages of the "relevant category" on search on specific keywords.

Why would you as a new seller expect to be "ranked" among the most profitable gigs? Fiverr places the gigs that make them the most money at the top. Once you start selling consistently at high rates like the TRS sellers in your category you should ask that question. To ask now is very odd, and feels as if you don't understand the couple years of hard work (at least) and fighting to get to the top that the "ranked" gigs have put in to get there. Welcome, but learn, pay your dues, and fight to get to the top.

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7 hours ago, prosjs said:

During this period, I tried to optimize my Gigs regularly, did SEO, and keyword research, read all Fiver tips, and applied them mostly. I have done keyword research and put those keywords in Url, Title, and description, as well as in the pricing category. I also used high-resolution images, and the size of those images are 4.5 MBs. I did social media advertisements and shared my Gigs on multiple Gig promotion pages on FB. I also send buyer requests, and I barely get them, 5 or 6, if I am online all the time. 
Despite all the efforts

All those efforts are pointless efforts. 
It’s like you need to get from point A to point B which is 2km away and you decide to just walk in your apartment thinking that if you walk inside of your apartment the same 2km it will still get you to point B. Where in reality you just did a pointless effort. 
I’m not sure where you got those tips because here on the forum we constantly trying to debunk those comments that flood from new sellers who made zero sales and did not achieve anything themselves. 
Keywords, SEO, staying online, adding high res images int he right size has nothing to do with getting sales, it’s a bare minimum to be able to publish your gig. And that’s not a big effort. 
The effort is to make market trade arch, understand your target audience and start reaching out to them through various marketing and growth strategy methods. Posting your gigs in promotion groups is just spamming, that’s not marketing. 

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Another reason why you are not ending up on the first pages is that there is a lot of competition on Fiverr for certain services.

You have for example 2 gigs for “background removal”. If I search for “background removal”, then there are 47208 services available. You have a lot of competition. Besides that, I can download free software on the internet that can remove the background from pictures. So why should I buy your gigs?

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On 7/21/2022 at 12:05 AM, filipdevaere said:

Besides that, I can download free software on the internet that can remove the background from pictures. So why should I buy your gigs?

Online removal software or website shows horrible results. I will send you some images as an example if you want. It is not just about Background removal. What if clients asked you to color correct specific parts of the image, "the specific part of the image is very bright or dark and that you have to match the overall color." or asked you to remove specific unwanted objects. That is a difficult task for people who understand photo editing. You are saying this job is pointless and no one should buy it when, in reality, it is a real genuine job.

On 7/20/2022 at 11:17 PM, mariashtelle1 said:

various marketing and growth strategy

I doubt everyone has done MBA in marketing. We are just freelancers, good at specific jobs. Thank you for your suggestion. I will search over the web on how to market your Fiverr Gigs.

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2 minutes ago, prosjs said:

I will search over the web on how to market your Fiverr Gigs.

And that’s the right approach. Just not for your gigs, but for your business and your brand. There is no such thing as marketing your gigs and you again will see only this useless advices of sharing your gig in the groups etc. 

3 minutes ago, prosjs said:

doubt everyone has done MBA in marketing. We are just freelancers, good at specific jobs

Exactly! And that’s why you either need to learn how to sell your services and build your business or you can pay thousands of dollars to people who studies marketing and spent years learning that. 

As a freelancer you are a one man show and you have to be good not only at your services but also learn marketing, learn how to sell, learn how to understand and attract your audience, be a customer support for your clients, e an accountant for yourself and much more. If you fail even at one of those times hen unfortunately you most likely wouldn’t make it. 
Knowing how to sell your skill is THE most important skill. A lot of talented people earn less than their less atlantes colleagues  just because they don’t know how to sell their service. 

P.S I would add that removing background is one of the low level skills, every designer know how to press three buttons in photoshop to remove the background but very little of them is offering it as a service because it’s not really marketable. And as @filipdevaere said yes there are softwares that do that and that suffices for 90% of people who need to remove a background. You left only with 10% of those people who will really need a very precise cut and recolouring or whatever else on top which most likely will be businesses with bulk uploads. But is 10% of a market is enough for you to have sales in an oversaturated market of sellers? 

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9 hours ago, newsmike said:

Why would you as a new seller expect to be "ranked" among the most profitable gigs? Fiverr places the gigs that make them the most money at the top. Once you start selling consistently at high rates like the TRS sellers in your category you should ask that question. To ask now is very odd, and feels as if you don't understand the couple years of hard work (at least) and fighting to get to the top that the "ranked" gigs have put in to get there. Welcome, but learn, pay your dues, and fight to get to the top.

I am not saying I should be ranked permanently. I believe if Fiverr rotates new sellers in the relevant category along with TRS sellers, that will help them get the exposure they need. as @imagination7413 said, "New Sellers do get a chance. But only a short one." Yes, you create a new Gig. You appear on the first page for one day. On the second day, the Gig has moved to the third or fourth page, and then it disappears permanently. You must be so lucky to get an order in the first two days of creating your Gig. If Fiverr can't do that, they can rotate old seller without reviews in the new seller category. btw this is a causal discussion, and I am sharing my opinions only.

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10 minutes ago, prosjs said:

create a new Gig. You appear on the first page for one day. On the second day, the Gig has moved to the third or fourth page, and then it disappears permanently.

It’s not only about getting an order. And it’s not only one day. Fiverr looks how people interact with your gig in search, if people are interested, put a mouse on your gig or click a video from search, if the click on it and interact with it then fiverr will keep you for more than one or two or three days. If there is no interest at all then they will move you back further. 

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4 hours ago, prosjs said:

Yes, you create a new Gig. You appear on the first page for one day. On the second day, the Gig has moved to the third or fourth page, and then it disappears permanently

Yes, you do get a chance, and you have to be able to perform during that brief chance. If you make a sale you remain visible, as you should, and if you do not, you disappear behind those that are selling, as you should. Fiverr is not tying to make everyone equally successful. They are throwing everyone in the pool and those who swim are rewarded, those who sink are gone. Just like in any business, that's how things work. Otherwise there would be 75 coffee shops on every street. For the health of the sales community, it is just as important to insure that weak gigs fail and disappear, as it is to make sure that strong gigs thrive. 

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17 hours ago, prosjs said:

so my Gigs appear on the second or third pages in a single keyword only (all Gigs), and my impressions are average below 80 for one Gig and below 30 for the rest and 1-3 clicks per day.

I know xxxx about marketing. When i first started this, i just put my best works to the gallery, tried my best english in the descriptions and sent some offers in buyers request and hoped for the best. It took me about 2-3 weeks to get my first order worthy of 23 dollars. And my competitors were numbered in my days.

To be honest, your numbers does not seem too bad. Maybe a little worse than my time. But after the pandemic and other global economical situations, you might have to face more competition. So its understandable that you would have less of everything. Also, background removal. it is highly competitive. To be blunt, it is even unnescessary, maybe you should somehow narrow down your speciality or try to expand your skillset. 

At first, fiverr is like blowing bubbles. It hangs in the air for couple of seconds, after that it goes down and hits the ground. Ideally, your gig should catch some of those while in the air. If not, its the next guys chance now, you lost.

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5 hours ago, prosjs said:

But only a short one." Yes, you create a new Gig. You appear on the first page for one day.

I read somewhere that Fiverr promotes new sellers on the first pages for one month. That does not mean their gigs are on the first page continuously, but you do appear there from time to time. Therefore, you need gig images that attract buyers and gig write-ups that keep them interested when they click on your gig.

I looked at your gig images, and they are not good, so you have not felt the "love" from buyers. When buyers search for a service, they do not do so at leisure. They skim the gig images. Yours does not tell them anything about your service.

Gig images should have 3 to 4 bold words that describe what you sell. I had to look closely to find the words "background removal on your one gig. 🤔 


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22 hours ago, prosjs said:

I could not rank my Gigs on the top pages of the "relevant category" on search on specific keywords. 

So you came on to Fiverr, thinking that all you had to do was some keyword research, and you would succeed? 

If so, you've been mislead. Starting a business takes time, investment, effort, perseverance, guts, and skills. 

What have you actually done to deserve "love" from Fiverr as a new seller? Uploaded some high-res images and researched keywords? That hardly qualifies you to be a successful business person. 

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19 hours ago, prosjs said:

I will search over the web on how to market your Fiverr Gigs.

Right attitude, wrong source. Collectively, the internet at large will never be as accurate. The first place you should go when researching anything is as close to the source as possible. In this case, the Fiverr Help Center itself.

For example: https://www.fiverr.com/support/articles/360010490438-The-How-Tos-Of-Advertising-Off-The-Fiverr-Platform?segment=seller

The second-closest to the source would be here in the forums. (Tips for Sellers.)

Like this: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/104668-marketing-yourself-just-do-it-heres-how-upyour/

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19 hours ago, prosjs said:

I believe if Fiverr rotates new sellers in the relevant category along with TRS sellers, that will help them get the exposure they need.

Fiverr already does this.

19 hours ago, prosjs said:

they can rotate old seller without reviews in the new seller category.

Fiverr already does this as well.

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On 7/21/2022 at 8:12 PM, vickiespencer said:

I looked at your gig images, and they are not good, so you have not felt the "love" from buyers. When buyers search for a service, they do not do so at leisure. They skim the gig images. Yours does not tell them anything about your service.

I think you are trying hard to find holes in my Gig images. Background removal is written clearly in bold with max possible font size. Besides, you can search the keyword "remove background" or any related keywords. You will find many TRS sellers who didn't even write background removal in their Gig images.
In my "remove background Gig," I mentioned all the additional services with a picture as an example. I have updated these images recently. When I created these Gigs for the first time, I uploaded very low-quality Images. So maybe that's the reason buyers didn't show love to them.


On 7/21/2022 at 6:32 PM, newsmike said:

If you make a sale you remain visible, as you should, and if you do not, you disappear behind those that are selling, as you should. Fiverr is not tying to make everyone equally successful.

Ok, I am not complaining if that's how Fiverr operates. I am providing my suggestions to team Fiver, which I think might benefit new sellers. I am good with what the majority agrees with because the majority is authority.

On 7/21/2022 at 11:42 AM, mariashtelle1 said:

You left only with 10% of those people who will really need a very precise cut and recolouring or whatever else on top which most likely will be businesses with bulk uploads. But is 10% of a market is enough for you to have sales in an oversaturated market of sellers? 

This statistic might be your assumption, though it makes sense. Maybe you are right. Keeping that in mind, I will create other unique creative Gigs in the future.

Thank you, everyone, for your suggestions and criticism. I don't think this is going anywhere from here. It should be closed.

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5 hours ago, prosjs said:

I think you are trying hard to find holes in my Gig images. Background removal is written clearly in bold with max possible font size.

Nope, I am merely passing along the knowledge I have learned through the many Fiverr webinars I have attended.


If this is the image you are referring to, you did a fine job updating it. When I first viewed this image, the font was a light, bright garish green that was difficult to view. Besides, the green words had lines running through them, making the font challenging to read.

5 hours ago, prosjs said:

I have updated these images recently.


You are welcome for the help I provided you. Good luck. 🍀

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5 hours ago, prosjs said:

You will find many TRS sellers who didn't even write background removal in their Gig images



Which seller would you rather order from?

The gig image on the right is the seller I currently order from when I need Photoshop work done. She has close to 7000 reviews, which does not include those buyers who do not leave reviews.

My husband is a Master of Photography, and I was his photo retoucher back when it was done with oils, watercolors, lacquer, and colored pencils. Therefore, I may be pickier than the average person who buys this service.

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On 7/21/2022 at 10:25 AM, prosjs said:

Yes, you create a new Gig. You appear on the first page for one day. On the second day, the Gig has moved to the third or fourth page, and then it disappears permanently. You must be so lucky to get an order in the first two days of creating your Gig.

There's the "New Arrivals" sort option where it shows new gigs created/published within about the last 30 days. Though like other sorts it only shows up to about 20 pages of gigs.


If Fiverr can't do that, they can rotate old seller without reviews in the new seller category.

They show gigs from every level in the "New Arrivals" sort as far as I know. If you mean what they show as "new seller" (in seller level filter) - that's just what they mean by unlevelled. So a seller who never got any reviews can show as "new seller" (show up in that filter) even if they have been here since 2014 (though they may be less likely to be shown near the top of the results in the relevance sort if they never got any orders).

Also since, like has been said, there's about 47,000 background removal gigs, have you considered that there's a lot less competition for background removal (with rotoscoping) in video? You might have about 100x less competition there.

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Guest pixelstudio5
13 hours ago, vickiespencer said:

You are welcome for the help I provided you. Good luck

And I do appreciate it. Thank you very much! Btw I have also created rewriting Gigs like yours but paused them after I started this casual conversation because of the fear of getting backlash from the members of the forum community

13 hours ago, vickiespencer said:

Which seller would you rather order from?

You would probably buy from the one with 700 reviews unless you are tight on budget, right?  I created that Gig a month ago and didn't pay much attention to it.  Right now, I have updated the first image.  I hope it looks good to the eyes.

I hope not everyone is as pickier as you are or life will get very tougher xD

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4 hours ago, uk1000 said:

They show gigs from every level in the "New Arrivals" sort as far as I know. If you mean what they show as "new seller" (in seller level filter) - that's just what they mean by unlevelled. So a seller who never got any reviews can show as "new seller" (show up in that filter) even if they have been here since 2014 (though they may be less likely to be shown near the top of the results in the relevance sort if they never got any orders).

Ok my bad. Thanks for enlightening me. I never know if you can still appear in search in the "New arrivals" sort if you are a way too old seller without reviews. Yes, I mean this sort, "example image attached". I liked your advice to create rotoscoping Gig. It is interesting. Thank you.


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