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What happened to my gig? please help!


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I normally get 3-4 orders daily, but for past 2 days i am getting nothing.

so i searched ‘Vector’, usually my gig is in top searches in Recommendations and High Ratings for vector gig, but now i noticed its nowhere near. what happened? what should i do to get that slot back?

please help guys.

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I know how you feel 🙂

The recommended section is roulating gigs. It’s very logic, that fiverr is putting the gigs with the best conversions and rating in their high listings. I’m sure you deliver great work, but probably, the other sellers in your category, are performing better.

Remember that fiverr is very competitive. Offer your buyers MUCH MORE and BETTER quality than your competitors. In many cases you will be working for just a few bucks an hours or LESS. But once your gig is listed well and you are having GREAT reviews, you can raise your prices, which will result in more money for you AND fiverr, which will result in even better rankings.

Please let me know which gig this relates to, maybe I can help a little more.

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