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Out of office mode?


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3 hours ago, tarynstclair said:

Is it worth it to go out of office, based on how Fiverr analyzes your response rate? Or would it be better to message any prospective clients back with an explanation that you're not taking on any new clients at that time?

Thanks so much!

Here's some helpful tips on taking time off/using the out of office mode

Using OOO can in fact hurt your business. Not because of the mode itself, but because Fiverr tends to reward gigs that sell/buyers that do business on the platform.

If your gigs are at a stand-still for a long period of time, this will affect your visibility on the platform, even after you come back.

One time, I went away for a week using OOO, and it took a good week before things got back to normal after I deactivated it.

The Fiverr algorithm needs a bit of time to register that you're "alive and kickin'" if you haven't been selling/getting messages for a while.

At least, that's my impression, but it has little to do with OOO, and more to do with the fact that you're not working on the platform for a while. 

Because of this, I always allow buyers to message me, even when away. I respond just as fast as I would normally. 

If you have any further questions, just ask 🙂

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