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Top sellers, how has becoming Top Rated affect your business flow?


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I did not have any noticeable bump in contacts or orders. I was a Level 2 seller for quite a few years before getting TRS designation. I have been a top-rated seller for a couple years now, too. I regularly manage the number of orders I have at one time anyway, so perhaps I inadvertently blocked the surge that other people may experience.

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I noticed an increase in spam from bottom-feeders. The type that goes something like this:

"I profesionell translater do for u good good work every day u sent me job i do it yes? please sir dear?"

Since I became TRS, I've more than tripled my monthly income, but I don't think that's because of the TRS status. I think the TRS status is a reflection of the quality I provide, and it is in fact that quality that has earned me the increase in revenue. 

But is it a nice-to-have in terms of beating your competition and attracting more buyers? Sure! 

I did increase my rates and opened up new gigs based on my market research. So being  a TRS has probably allowed me to charge more for my services. 

There's no doubt that being a TRS can increase your earnings. But it doesn't happen overnight or if you stop improving. 


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I became a top rated seller last month while I was on vacation for 30 days.

I came back June 30. I added some new gigs, raised my prices, and updated my gig photos. 

I would say that my orders have slowed down, but it has been steady. I've gotten a lot of inquiries from people who ended up just not coming back on the platform. A few of them go with other much more "affordable" sellers.

I wondered if maybe my prices were too high for the audience I was attracting. But I realized that wasn't my problem, and they can find sellers in their budget bracket. It's like shopping at a Bentley dealership when you can only afford a Kia.

I'm hoping for a more profitable month in August, but meanwhile, I will find ways to get better at what I do.

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I think I've seen a slight increase in direct orders, but just a slight one (it doesn't really make too much sense to order directly vs asking for a custom offer in my niche/with my Gigs, and the overwhelming majority of my orders happens through custom offers), which, I guess, may be owed to a trust perk of the TRS badge. I don't have the data to back it up, though, so I might be wrong.

Apart from that, along the lines of what others already wrote, and mainly, yeah, I do highly manual and customised work, all by myself (no matter how many hundreds of new sellers ask me in usually extremely broken English to let them do my work for little money... yeah, as if...), so it's not as if I could just accept order surges anyway. With a high number of (semi-) regular customers by now, sometimes, I even have to say no to/lose a job I'd really like to do for a new person, because some people need their job done right now, or preferably the day before yesterday. 

If you have highly scalable Gigs, you probably see bigger effects from the badge, it's partly a self-propelling system in some ways, as we know, the more and the faster you deliver, the... 

Surge or no surge, I can only recommend aspiring to and getting one, in any case 😉 It's a shiny badge, and nice to have, for sure!

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I've been a TRS for quite a while, and to be honest I don't remember how long, and how it happened.
I think you're supposed to get a notification from Fiverr but clearly I missed it.
I'm guessing since the message from Fiverr didn't say "You got an order," I just deleted it without reading it?? 😅

One day I just noticed that I was TRS and I have nooooooooo idea who long it has been when I finally realized that.
It could have been weeks, even months.

In other words I haven't really noticed any changes when it comes to number of orders.
Some months are busier, other months are slower, it's been like that for years.

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