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My Achievements Rank: Grand Master


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5 hours ago, seven_sign said:


What are you talking about?

Weren't you interested in seeing "how" the OP achieved the Grand Master rank so quickly? I originally had a lot more detail in my post on how the OP did that, but figured you all saw what I saw - that the OP would select several posts made by the shepherds of the forum (which have 100-200replies) and then serial liked every one of the comments, including "thanks" and "great info." I even ran the time studies on it and found out it would only take her, on average, 10 minutes of her time to get to the 308 reactions a day needed to achieve the Grand Master rank in 23 days. That's if each reaction took 2 seconds to deliver. 

The OP was smart and efficient because she didn't post (typing the word "congress" takes 2-3 times as long as just reacting). So though I didn't agree with her method, I was impressed.

In the same amount of time it takes me to make 1 post, the OP would have probably "liked" over 600 posts.

2 hours ago, donnovan86 said:

Unfortunately they demoted here, so we can expect even more SPAM... 

4 hours ago, seven_sign said:

In that case if the specific member can't react to the similar old threads again, then it will be harder to achieve the level now!

Unfortunately, it won't be hard to gain the levels again (it'll only be minutes a day)!

However, I'm hoping the OP will take my challenge to level up on the platform. To her defense, she did join Fiverr and the forum less than a month ago. And as soon as you join the forum, it immediately starts rewarding you with badges, making you think you're doing something right.

14 hours ago, donnovan86 said:

It was disturbing, I received dozens of updates on the forum that she liked my content EVERY DAY. 

4 hours ago, smashradio said:

 and I get 50 likes from the same person on posts I wrote a year ago, it becomes an annoyance. 

I'll apologize to all the Grand Masters on this thread because I do "like" your content every day ... I even go onto your profiles and look through past content. *gasp!* 😲

It might be annoying for all of you to be "liked" so much ... but guess what? Based on my evaluation of the forum, the most "liked" content is actually the spammy responses of "thanks," "great info," and "congress." Those types of posts get more reactions than many thoughtful, insightful, or informative posts out there. So that's the only reason why I've been reacting to your content (if I do give a reaction). I should also follow @imagination7413's example of reporting those spammy posts.

11 hours ago, smashradio said:

Vickie: You are a fast learner. There's now a spot with your name on it on the Fiverr Totem. Welcome to the club! 

As is customary when a new member earns their Totem, you receive one free Conga robot vacuum*. I'm sure you'll love it!

CONGA Serie 1091 Robot Aspiradora 2600MAH 160MIN 64DB

*Shipping and the individual purchase, including payment of all costs, taxes, the purchase price, shipping, fees and usage of the unit, must be covered by the individual receiving this honor. 

Yay! So all I have to do is pay the purchase price to get my free Conga robot vacuum?!!! 😍

4 hours ago, smashradio said:

If you ask me, the whole level system is flawed. It encourages people to react to everything they see and post random "thank you" posts. I would much rather have a system that's based on reputation points combined with the time you've been a member on the forum.

Do we need a badge system? I've never been on a forum so far, so I wouldn't know.

I've wanted to opt out of the badges since I started. I don't really see a point in having them and it makes people (myself included) seem like an expert when we're not.

What I really want is to be able to post more than 5 times a day. I know this is earned based off of reputation and tenure on the forum. So it's a right I haven't gotten yet.






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7 minutes ago, vickieito said:

I'll apologize to all the Grand Masters on this thread because I do "like" your content every day ... I even go onto your profiles and look through past content. *gasp!* 😲

Vickie, you don’t have to worry about your likes and reactions, you know that your likes are far from spamming 😉

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10 hours ago, words_to_wow said:

maybe one day you'll make it to the top as a seller, too. Unless you already have...I haven't checked.

Nope. Just two reviews or something.

8 hours ago, donnovan86 said:

It seems that she was demoted. 

To an Enthusiast... Which seems to be true. 😸

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Guest lloydsolutions
12 hours ago, seven_sign said:

then why people run for badges?

Perhaps "someone" has told them that this will will rank their gig etc. hence the need for the clarification that it will have no effect whatsoever.


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9 hours ago, vickieito said:

I'll apologize to all the Grand Masters on this thread because I do "like" your content every day ... I even go onto your profiles and look through past content. *gasp!* 😲

Receiving likes from you does mean a lot more than some random member liking 20 of my old posts in a row. That's because the quality and care you put into your posts means you set the bar high. I know it comes from someone who genuinely enjoyed the content, rather than some random ignoramus hunting for badges. 

9 hours ago, vickieito said:

Yay! So all I have to do is pay the purchase price to get my free Conga robot vacuum?!!! 😍

Yes! You've deserved it! 😄 

9 hours ago, vickieito said:

Do we need a badge system? I've never been on a forum so far, so I wouldn't know.

I've wanted to opt out of the badges since I started. I don't really see a point in having them and it makes people (myself included) seem like an expert when we're not.

Do we need it? Certainly not. But most forums have some sort of "levels" for their members. Gamification encourages activity, and without activity, a forum dies.

The problem starts when people think levels matter. You see this in support forums, where "experts" are rewarded for dealing with customer support cases. It saves the company from having to deal with a lot of inquiries.

Companies like Microsoft and Fiverr have realized that if they just reward people with titles like "Expert advisor" and a few badges, they will do that job for them in 90% of cases. 

Just think about it: we're on the forum daily, answering questions from sellers and buyers that would otherwise end up in the support inbox. We're doing that work for "free." 

The payment is a badge and a title. 

Without it, many people on this forum would probably find a better use of their time than playing customer support agent on a forum. I'm guilty of this myself, but I don't do it for badges: I do it because I genuinely enjoy helping people. 

9 hours ago, vickieito said:

What I really want is to be able to post more than 5 times a day. I know this is earned based off of reputation and tenure on the forum. So it's a right I haven't gotten yet.

I was one of the members crying out for something to be done with the spam problem. The system in place today results from community members growing ever more tired of all the "pray for me" and "congress" posts.
For some reason, Fiverr decided to no longer use community members as m0 dz. "Fiverr Staff" (invisible people not doing their job at that point) got the responsibility.

I'm glad to see we once again have community members as m0 dz. Frank and the others are helping to make the forum a better place.

But the change I wanted to see the most – that we didn't get – was a separate forum for only top-rated/pro sellers. A place where actual business people could get together, discuss the platform, new features, provide feedback, and learn from each other. 

But I guess the "regular" forum would die out if that happened. 
Anyway, it's not fun sifting through 200 "pray for me" and "gig rank going down day by day" posts to find meaningful discussions with talented people. 

That said, you have provided tons of valuable content to the forum since you arrived. If I were in charge, I'd manually bump you up to Grand Master. 

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On 7/13/2022 at 7:58 PM, mariashtelle1 said:

I was praying so much that your spamming will stop soon that I even had to put you into the ignore list not to see your hundreds of likes on old and every single new thread.
So hopefully my prayers were heard and now that you have your grand master you will stop that spamming and serial liking of all posts. 

wow! what an observation. I hope your expectations about her to stop fulfills. 😄 

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33 minutes ago, melanielm said:

Gee, only 350 likes and inane comments a day

She had only 22 comments, so the only thing she did was she entered those topics with dozens or hundreds of posts and she liked them all. I received notifications she liked my posts EVERY SINGLE DAY. So i was quite annoyed to see those constant notifications, and then she gloats with a topic she has the grandmaster rank. Not that it matters for any serious Fiverr user, but I am annoyed seeing random likes from someone that obviously just wants to beat a system and receive an "award" that doesn't really mean anything.

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On 7/13/2022 at 5:48 PM, mobaswiraaktar said:

I achieve the rank: of Grand Master in Fiverr form in a short time. 
Pray for me.

Grand Master

Thanks Fiverr
Mobaswira Aktar

Oh Grand Master; please share us what you have learned. Grant us a fraction of your precious and eternal knowledge. Bless us with your insight so we may hope to see what is beyond and taste the fruits of truth. Beloved and all knowing Grand Master; please just a glimpse of your boundless wisdom would give us knowledge enough for hundrend lifetimes for we are helpless and unworthy to your eyes.

Even in this topic, where everybody slam dunks our new grandmaster, people still chain liking everything written here. I am receiving likes from one of our another Grand Master(already) as i write this. And im sure that Grand Master gonna like this one too.

Guys, we are not strong enough for this fight. Im gonna go stab myself in the kitchen if you need me.

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27 minutes ago, ozan_erdi said:

Guys, we are not strong enough for this fight. Im gonna go stab myself in the kitchen if you need me.

Dearest sir,

I am writing to congratulate you on your mastery of sarcasm. As a practitioner of the art, I could hardly let your finely crafted response pass without the full measure of kudos due. Please be on the lookout for an application to our secret club, which meets every other Halloween in the Capuchin Crypt, and rewards only those individuals who practice at the highest levels of sarcasm, verging on the sardonic.

Well played Sir!


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Just now, newsmike said:

Dearest sir,

I am writing to congratulate you on your mastery of sarcasm. As a practitioner of the art, I could hardly let your finely crafted response pass without the full measure of kudos due. Please be on the lookout for an application to our secret club, which meets every other Halloween in the Capuchin Crypt, and rewards only those individuals who practice at the highest levels of sarcasm, verging on the sardonic.

Well played Sir!


I will humbly accept your invitation when the initiation time comes. I also am a fan of your pointy sharp wordplays as i have mentioned many moons ago. 

I raise my glass to you aswell

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