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Fiverr level 2 seller account is paralyzed now



Hi, Hopefully, you are looking good.

I have used the gig promotion feature, in the first month I get some results but after that, I spent $60 a month and then $40 a month without any order.

For the last few months, it seems my account is paralyzed now. I am not getting any orders from new clients, I am even not getting any inboxes.

Could you please help me and guide me on how to back on the work? How can I get again ranking? Because after using the gig promotion feature, my account is not performing well.


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1 hour ago, shopify_basket said:

Keep doing good work and patience

This person is asking for advice. What you said is just like going near a person that had a heart attack and saying to them..."it will get better" and moving away.

You should offer help or assistance, or not post at all. Fiverr is filled with unnecessary posts, people that "like" every post just to increase their Fiverr forum level thinking it would get sales.... etc.

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