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Anyone who has a gig listed for $5 Plz for the love of God raise your prices.


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This post title made me laugh but I understand your point and frustration. However @mariashtelle1is right. There is a price point for any and all buyers on Fiverr. Some people think if you spend a lot, you get better service. And some people think you get what you pay for. From a seller's perspective, I think it's all about the value you believe your work has, as well as how you value your time. 

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46 minutes ago, ri_pro said:

But don't you think the 5$ gigs kind of destroy the market? 

$5 gigs cannot 'destroy the market' for any service. There are just as many buyers who wouldn't touch a $5 gig with a very long pole, preferring to seek a higher quality output, something generally unobtainable by paying peanuts. We could equally argue that all those cheapos who charge $5 are doing a great favour to those of us whose fees are much higher. It makes us look good, ha.

In short, we should each charge what we feel our services, time, and expertise warrant.

What does that say about someone's skill and self-esteem if they bill $5 unless it's a job taking only a minute to perform? But even then, they spend time communicating with the buyer. I wouldn't even respond for a $5 sale... Well, if it weren't for getting a dent in my response stats!

It costs me far more than $5 just to answer an enquiry before I even pitch for the work. I want the funds to flow inward, not the other way.

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