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30minutes typing with 43wpm speed


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Wow, are we back in 80s when typing was was legitimately considered a qualification? 

Jokes aside: first you can post your gig links for improvement only in “improve my gig” or “my fiverr gig” categories 

Did you also do your market research that there is a demand for your type of service? 

7 hours ago, mariashtelle1 said:

Wow, are we back in 80s when typing was was legitimately considered a qualification? 

Even if I'd not know you're not in my category, now I would. Apparently you're not aware of the tons of buyer requests like "I need a very good typist for typing job" with budgets like $1500 for 1 day 😉 (this is just one example from today, there are many like that. Pity for OP and other typists, though, that all of these request contact elsewhere than Fiverr and thus are against the terms...)

Joking, too, OP, unfortunately; these buyer requests exist, but those get rich quick by typing jobs not, they are scams. Be careful if you see such offers in BR, if the payment looks like a dream, it usually is, and especially in these cases, they want to get you to talk elsewhere for a reason. Refuse to talk to anyone elsewhere than on Fiverr, or you may not just get scammed but also lose your Fiverr account. Good luck with your Gig, anyway.


@miiila Thanks for adding me in your category. Yeah I know, there are tons of buyer requests but unfortunately I am not getting those requests for typing. Hope so it is because of not getting order for one year.

I don't move to anywhere else than Fiverr as I know it's against Fiverr Term & Policy.  Thanks for your precious time 🙂 for sharing your thoughts. 


@mariashtelle1 no, no we are not in the 80s, and it's not a qualification. It's a skill. Not Everyone can do typing. It's an ART. 

Yeah I know that was my mistake as I post this on forum with my mobile not from PC, I don't find "Improve my gig Category".

Yeah I have research, there are a lot of seller providing typing services and have orders. 🙂 Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

1 hour ago, mubashir151 said:

Not Everyone can do typing. It's an ART. 

If you bring a computer in front of a monkey, I am sure they can press a few buttons and type. ANYONE can type. The thing is, what you type and if you really use your brain for it. 43 wpm is rather average, I would say. You should strive to improve.  I guess it also depends on the age.


@donnovan86 I appreciate your point of view. But my point of view is different. If someone have scanned images about 20 and he or she has to write that in MS word, if he don't have time and enough money, he never do it by himself. He will hire someone. I will be there for that. Thanks for sharing thoughts.

2 minutes ago, mubashir151 said:

If someone have scanned images about 20 and he or she has to write that in MS word, if he don't have time and enough money, he never do it by himself. He will hire someone.

There's software for that.. 

8 minutes ago, mubashir151 said:

If pictures are not enough to read properly. At that stage software's failed. 

I used OCR software and never had an issue that I can't solve myself.

What that gig shows me is that people are very lazy 🙂 Create whatever gig you want, that's up to you. However I would focus on something creative, something that's sustainable, not just waiting for lazy people to drop a file....


Even IF typing things like this is a marketable skill, I would NOT advertise that you can only type 43WPM. That is slow for a professional and it has no bearing on your ability to finish the job. Fiverr gigs don't pay by the hour. 

1 hour ago, melanielm said:

That is slow for a professional and it has no bearing on your ability to finish the job.

I am pretty sure I can do double that or even more, and that's with creativity involved, not just looking at something and copying text from there... 

8 hours ago, donnovan86 said:

I am pretty sure I can do double that or even more, and that's with creativity involved, not just looking at something and copying text from there... 

Yeah I know you can. It's a truly based gig for me. Proofreading can also done by me also on demand. It's just a starting point. I am also creative. I have review from @henley for creativity. 

I am also

Graphics Designer 


Financial analyst 

Decision making 

Ratios analysis 

There are a lot skill I have as currently doing MBA from Pakistan. This gig is just for starting of conversion. Hope so you got my point 


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