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Fiverr Business Marketplace update?


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  • 4 weeks later...

I think it was in December 2021 that I was told to spruce up my profile for the upcoming Fiverr Business Marketplace. Then I didn't hear much for a while, and I assumed they were developing the initiative.

Then I heard from threads on the forum that they were finalizing the Seller side and would begin deploying in late April, early May. 

Since then, we have heard nothing about the Marketplace, and I'm wondering if the initiative is just dead, or has been postponed because of - well, who knows why.

In case anyone from the team developing this program reads the forum, it sure would be helpful to know what's going on, if anything. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

Just curious if anyone has any updates on the launch of the Fiverr Business Marketplace. I contacted CS to see if they could put me in touch with someone who knew what was going on, and they believe it launched a long time ago. Seems like there's some confusion about the status of the initiative. @frank_d @newsmike. Seems like with all the attention they gave it when we were setting up our business profiles, they would have made a big production about launching FBM, but it's been totally quiet.

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I'm not sure if I understood the question correctly, but what I understand as "Fiverr Business Marketplace"  (as defined too in faq's of main landing page for sellers https://bus.fiverr.com/solutions/top-talents-tutorial/) seems to me that it has been working for a while now (https://www.fiverr.com/business), although it also confused me with its features; a few months ago I remember I received a message that I had to meet certain requirements before a certain date to join the program, as I didn't meet everything they asked (like using a name and personal photo), I received a message that I was no longer part, but that I could resubmit request when I met the terms; I left it pending, and when I was going to proceed to make some adjustments some days ago, I noticed that I no longer had that option to submit an application, and when I searched (from incognito session in buyer mode) I noticed that my gigs were already in the Fiverr Business Marketplace; I guess Fiverr changed from an application "manual" mode, to a more automated scheme, where certain factors are measured, and automatically determines which sellers can enter the system... i guess you already are too. I think this is a good thing, since a large percentage of my buyers in recent months appear as part of the "Fiverr Business". The option to access the Fiverr Business panel, buyers have it highlighted in the top menu. Greetings.


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7 hours ago, agenciawem said:

seems to me that it has been working for a while now

Yes,  Marketplace has been working on the buyer side. However, there was mention of things on the seller side like helping to match buyers with the most suitable sellers. It was supposed to be a whole new group of features that would take Fiverr Business to the next level. That's the side that was hinted at starting back in April, May, but we've heard nothing since.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I just got confirmation that the entire Fiverr Business Marketplace is active. So far, it's looked like a pretty ineffective effort, at least for me. They approved a LOT of sellers in that category, unlike it being a space for the elite sellers, as had been alluded to early on. I've seen only a minimal amount of traffic from "Business" buyers. My gigs used to be consistently on the first page of search results, and now it looks like they dropped my gigs way down in the search results, I suspect because I had been accepted in the Marketplace. The net effect for me is loss of business. Anyone else have thoughts about their experience with the Marketplace?

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