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Getting TIPs from buyers a Quick Case Study


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A best way to get the TIPs from buyers

I might be one of the sellers that 70% of the buyers tipped me and the maximum tip I got was $450

Here’s a quick case study

  • Best Communication : I always replied my clients on time, even sometime I DID NOT have any update, but I just let them knew that I’m working on it
  • Prioritise them : When my clients order me, I usually start working very next day, or sometime the same day (if they ordered me at morning)
  • Keep them posted : I’m a Web Developer, so I start working on my production server and when I get something good to show up, I share them a link where they can see the updates
  • Give something extra : Finally, when I submit the order, I create them a video where I am explaining how they can manage/update/maintain their website on their own, without even needing me.
  • Video/Voice call : I’ve felt, client’s trust more on the services when you understand their needs properly & the 121 voice/video meetings help me with this

And when I submit the order, they tip me for running extra miles.

This might help someone as well.


@imagination7413 haha no, Actually very few sellers on Fiverr (in my niche) provide such detailed video tutorials that how can a non technical person manage their own website. So sometime whenever they feel any help, video helps them & they come back to me, say me thank you & tip me. I feel this is very cute 


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