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How helping people helped me


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Hi Fiverrs!

To be honest, I was sceptical about staying here for long. I tried it out because I’ve recently gone through a hard time in my personal life and I’m not really sleeping well, so thought I could just as well earn something in the process.

One of the things that’s generally suggested to make anyone feel better, is to help others. Now in my professional capacity (this type of thing is actually my day job) we charge agency rates that will never fly on Fiverr. So I decided I’m going to try and help people by doing small things that will make their websites and online marketing better.

What can I say? It’s been a blast! I’m starting to regain my belief in humanity and that it’s not all doom & gloom! There are some good people out there, believe you me!

I’ve had the odd ‘chance-taker’ that tries to push you by giving vague briefs and then changing the scope of the initial request, but I’ve learned to communicate much better upfront or rather cancel a gig and give a good reason why you don’t think it’s a good fit. This experience helps me in my day job too (even though I’ve been in this for over 10 years, you always learn something new)!

Thing is, I’m meeting such interesting people from all over the world! People who are from all walks of life. And no, this is not a community where you come to find cheap labour. You’re going to get what you pay for, mostly. Once buyers realise that the sellers here (the ones who consistently deliver honest, good work) actually do know what they are doing, a paradigm shift happens and the value proposition of Fiverr is understood.

These stories about how sellers are able to stand up out of hard times, a life without meaning (to them) or just complement their existing day job are the reasons why I’m here and will stay for the time being.

I wish you all well. You have made me feel better about myself and humanity.


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