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How to improve inbox communication ?




Hello All of my friends, hope you all are well, can anyone advices  me how to improve inbox communication , Recently  so many buyer messages me, but i can not conveyance them for sale, they message me, after some time late they do not reply, (I write effective buyer request, but not conveyance in inbox) how to improve this what trick you use for this part 

2 answers to this question

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1 hour ago, robinhossain1 said:

can anyone advices  me how to improve inbox communication

Simple: Be kind and courteous. I don't think doing either of these things requires a step-by-step manual from any of us. 

1 hour ago, robinhossain1 said:

Recently  so many buyer messages me, but i can not conveyance them for sale, they message me, after some time late they do not reply

Perhaps you those potential buyers chose not to hire you. Just because someone contacts you, does not guarantee that you will gain a sale. You need to learn how to better sell yourself as a freelancer, and how to better sell your services to those that need them. I recommend that you either take an educational couse on the topic, or search Google for some expert advice on selling to a consumer market. We cannot make you a better communicator; only you can to that for yourself.

6 hours ago, robinhossain1 said:

what trick you use for this part 

You don't need any tricks if you're selling something that there apparently is demand for, and people who actually need what you're trying to sell were convinced enough by your Gig to click on it and to message you already. If you can't convince them to actually buy, you're either not convincing enough, or they realize that you're not a good fit for them (maybe your Gigs gave them an impression that isn't in line with your communication, or they were hoping for lower prices, or they realize that they didn't understand your Gig correctly, ...). In any case, you shouldn't look for "tricks", but for effective communication/sales methods/techniques, for which you can find many books and articles or even videos online.

First of all, though - are you sure that those people who disappear from the conversation actually intended to buy your service/a service like yours, and aren't spammers? If you had pasted an actual example of the conversation here (no names or any identifiable information, of course), it would be easier to tell for people who want to help.
I'm getting lots of spam, daily, and no skill and no trick could convince them to buy, because they didn't want to buy in the first place.
Usually, people who at least had a vague intention to buy, typically don't simply disappear without a word, but will say something like "too expensive/out of my budget/have a cheaper offer from another seller/need it yesterday and not in 5 days/maybe next time", etc. 🙂 Sometimes, that's a signal by them that they actually want to be convinced by you, but want a cheaper price or faster delivery time, and then, you have another chance to convince them, if you can and want to compromise, or you can let them go.

If it's clear that they indeed were potential customers, what Jon said applies. You should figure out why your communication is lacking, or why you can't convince them to buy (is it your English, or aren't you able to convey the value of your offerings, or do you attract potential customers who bail when they hear your price, or...), and try to mend the specific issues that cause people to disappear, by learning how to communicate better, and that requires more work than a quick forum question. 


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