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Voice Sample without background music or Voice Sample with background music?


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Just wanna ask which voice sample you prefer? Is voice sample without background music better? Or voice sample with background music?

I am doing some adjustments and need some advises. All of my voice samples(included my gig's video) contain only my voice. (I use the "beep" sound as a 'separator.')

I did some research and noticed that most of the voice samples are voice samples with background music.

What's your thoughts?😃 



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I think it might depend on what that sample would be, if its for a book narration then I wouldn't want BG music. If its for an informercial, then yes music is expected (or sound effects for that matter). I think most reels will have background music, while still having segments of that reel that have no music when applicable.

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5 hours ago, ubun97 said:


Just wanna ask which voice sample you prefer? Is voice sample without background music better? Or voice sample with background music?

I am doing some adjustments and need some advises. All of my voice samples(included my gig's video) contain only my voice. (I use the "beep" sound as a 'separator.')

I did some research and noticed that most of the voice samples are voice samples with background music.

What's your thoughts?😃 



This depends entirely on what the voice over demo should be used for. If it's a general, commercial demo, then it should be professionally produced so the client can hear what your voice sounds like in different commercial styles. Variety is the key here. If you don't know how to produce a professional demo yourself, hire a demo producer. It costs but since your demo is like a business card, it needs to be great. 

I would only go for no music in demos for things like eLearning, audiobooks and if the client asks for it. 

Here's my demo, if you want to check it out. 

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I notice that for 30 seconds you introduce yourself and explain your service, you should probably use the remaining 45 seconds to attach 3-4 brief actual samples of your work. I would have music behind them all, and I would vary the deliveries to show your range.  

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1 hour ago, theamitsingh said:

quick question for you, how much time in a day do you spend in the forum,

Hi. My name is Bill and I’m a member of Fiverr’s official “Forum Research and Development Department.” 

Now, before you go estimating the percentage of creepiness that such a department may engage in, just know that: we’re totally not spies. We’re researchers! 

Sure, we may have a grand total of how many times you’ve said the words “murky cream pop” in our databanks. And yeah, we may have an internal cryptanalysis team dedicated to deciphering what this murky cream even means. And okay, fine, if you’re going to be technical about it - we may or may not have a “watch” list, color coded and sometimes we assign silly nicknames to totally unaware forum members (your nickname is ‘Peter the Curious,’ and let’s just say we have our reasons). 

But it’s not like we’re spying on you or something. That would be crazy, am I right

Anyhoo, on to your question! 

Now I’m just guessing here … but supposing we had some sort of “Gathered Intelligence” logs, it might say that  @newsmike spends an average of five hours, 27 minutes and 15 seconds on this forum daily. He most often concludes his forum associating at 8 pm.  At which point, he watches precisely one hour of evening news, from the comfort of an off white recliner, normally without shoes - pausing periodically to clean his eye glass lenses with a blue microfiber rag. He then eats dinner, prepares his next days notes in an office located directly left of his living room and retreats to his bed. Theoretically, Mike sleeps an average of seven hours nightly, with Tuesday being closer to eight hours, month over month. 

Mike’s most often used forum phrase is “finger poison.” If one were so inclined, they might launch an investigation into this term. If one did launch that investigation, speculatively of course, they may uncover that this phrase is actually a signal that places a “mark” on anyone that Mike may have said this phrase to. In this supposed scenario, the marked forum member may never be heard from again. Supposedly

Now, if some spooky “Fiverr Spy Infiltration Network,” really did exist, and requiring that some postulated criminal mastermind was actually posing on fiverr as a voice-over professional, and imagining that we actually had that type of information … don’t you think we’d at least attempt to send you some type of “warning” or a “code?” 

Really, this kind of free form, catch-it-all, Utter nonsense is just not the behavior Necessary for such a positive place. Although it may be fun to pretend with Wish-washy logic, no one is really and Absolutely out to get you. It’s all just in Your imagination. 

Also, I was never here. 

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11 hours ago, newsmike said:

Leo, I couldn't understand a word, and it still sells.  Sounds great.  I think I did hear "pizza". or maybe I'm just hungry.

Haha, thanks! That means a lot coming from you. And I didn't spend a dime on overpriced producers. Indeed, you heard the word "pizza!" It was a theatre ad for a Norwegian pizza restaurant chain. 

2 hours ago, damooch916 said:

Also, I was never here. 


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6 hours ago, damooch916 said:

sometimes we assign silly nicknames to totally unaware forum members

I'd be willing to bet my nickname is 'link-lists'. 


On-topic: OP, I'm glad to hear that you did some research. I'm not a VO/VA, but that means I can speak as a random passerby. For personal preferences, I've heard and liked samples of voice-only, voice-with-music, and voice-with-sound-foley. I can say that the only examples I know I don't like are the ones with sound-balancing issues. Thus, the volume(s) are probably more important than if you do or do not choose to add extra sound. 

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33 minutes ago, imagination7413 said:

I'd be willing to bet my nickname is 'link-lists

Actually, after an unusually brutal debate (which involved cursing, thrown office chairs and a really weird two minutes where we had a “dance off” to the Newcleus classic “Jam On It”) we decided that your nick-name is Listerine.  

To be fair though, it’s really hard to come up with a great nick name while break dancing to defend your honor. 

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3 hours ago, theamitsingh said:

why are you piano player

I make over performative expressions, falsely romanticize past eras, I elevate sitting and brooding to poetic levels, I purport to understand the weight of a Western Canon while wearing sunglasses in doors and I’m dead sexy.

That’s why I’m a piano player. 


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