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How can I get my first order for my complete on-page seo services fiverr gig


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Hello, a few things...

  • You can only post your gig links in the gigs section of the forum.
  • You made a delivery yesterday, so you've had an order already I think.
  • Your gig title: 'I will do a complete on page SEO services 2022 on fiverr'. Is the year and 'fiverr' necessary? Customers know what year it is and it's on fiverr.
  • Your gig description is pretty much the same as your bio. It should be different.
  • Your gig description and bio have poor quality English. Most buyers are English speakers and look for well written descriptions.
  • You are not using most/all of the character limit in your gig description. This is a missed opportunity.
  • As an SEO consultant you should really know how to optimize and get results - it's what you sell after all.
  • Search the forum, or look at the section for fiverr tips. Your question has been asked so many times already.

Most of all good luck! Fiverr can be great, but you need to put in the hard work.

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