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Extras that take more Days

Guest grogbro

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Guest grogbro

How am I going to handle Extras that people add on that take more days since the system doesn’t tack on my days?

For example I do black and white sketches. But to add color etc its an extra (or will be), but I still don’t see any option to increase the days if the work increases. Is there one and other people are just not using it? I do see on some peoples extras (Add +2 days) but I don’t think that actually gets added in Fiverr’s system.


I’m not sure what level fiverrs system let’s you change these, but in my extras section I can add extra days on (but I’m level 2). Another handy thing for level 2 is you can send custom quotes. You just say an amount, the number of days and how much and the buyer accepts it.


You are doing a great job! You’ve been here 3 weeks, have a 5.0 rating and have done more than half of the orders needed to hit level 2! Awesome! Agree with ^^^^. I do alot of custom quotes. Upside: I get orders, therefore revenue. Downside: They don’t leave feedback and it doesn’t show up in my numbers. I love the ‘Extras’ section. Take a look at my gig to see how I worded it. Basically, I only offer an intro for the $5 and charge substantially higher to do a full job (double-quadruple, or more!). Hope this helps! Keep up the good work. Your reviews speak highly!


Guest itsyourthing
grogbro said: How am I going to handle Extras that people add on that take more days since the system doesn't tack on my days?

I don't believe you are allowed to add "extras" until you are level one. What you have to do is write in the description for buyers to order 2 gigs to get color or whatever add-on option.


When a buyer orders multiples of gigs on a single order, the time doesn't get increased. You can only add days to an "extra", which you can't do yet.


What you can do is increase your days to delivery and write in your description, that single orders (or what limit you would like) i.e., "Orders up to 2 multiples will be completed within 48 hours. Multiples of three and above will be delivered within the standard delivery time."


Fiverr doesn't make it easy for new sellers - they want you to hustle and make sales so you can add extras and so forth. Good luck!


Guest grogbro

Thanks guys and gals for all of the info. I contacted support to complain and they told me basically the same thing. Sooooo, I jumped the gun a bit! 😉

Again, read it all, very useful information. Thanks you!

Guest grogbro

The level 0 icon should be something different than a Cow. lol

Like a level 0 icon perhaps? :(|)


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