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Hey designers! Can any of you recommend a laptop for newbies?


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It's international Design day today and I hope you're celebrating hard! 🥳🤗🤪

Some of our sellers on Fiverr are experts with years of experience while others are only now starting to explore different fields of design. A computer/laptop is probably one of the most important tools a designer could have - can you tell us about your personal preferences and recommend a brand, a model, or a super important feature?


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Hello everyone. 

Its time to spend some money! YAY!

I have couple questions for you fellow digital artists. I had used a standart pc and a wacom cintiq 13"hd in the past as my workstation. With photoshop

3 years ago, i switched to ipad pro with procreate. Which is i must say, very efficient! Touch screen makes it a lot faster and easier to zoom, pan and rotate kinda stuff while working on the canvas. Procreate is a great program to use too.

But procreate and ipad has its limitations. While its great for small time digital media creation, it has its downsides when it comes to big canvases and organising large scale projects. Plus, against the photoshop, procreate is easier and faster, but photoshop is much much more comprehensive. There are more downloadables, more courses and better help when it comes to searching. Plus I had to turn down some very fun projects and lost my chance of being an online art teacher to classes, because i dont have a desktop or photoshop.

I have couple of setups in my mind, of course they are all expensive, but well, it has to be done at some point. So i want to take your opinions.

OPTION A: I would really like to use my ipad, because its great and fast with no errors and you dont have to remember to save your work every 2 minutes, its great. Is it possible to get an imac/macbook and use my ipad as a graphic tablet with its touch screen benefits? Can we connect those devices in a way that enables us to use photoshop with the utilities of the ipad touch screen?

Or can we use procreate on an apple desktop/laptop? With the connection to the ipad

OPTION B: I think i can get my hands on a good wacom or something similar, with a desktop or a laptop. Of course this might be more expensive because i dont have a pc or a graphic tablet besides ipad. 

What do you use as your workstation? Did you have any experience with procreate? Can you somehow mimic the touch screen with other graphic tablets? OR what do you want to use in the future with an expanded budget?

Help me out with this one guys. 

Thank you

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I'm mostly a hobbyist digital artist (I prefer pencil and paper), but a sibling of mine has a cintiq that enables, quote:


"I'm twice as fast, twice as accurate, and easily three times as clean with my lines. I first got to try one at a friend's house in my school years and fell in love.... never forgot about it and have dreamed about it ever since I learned about them."

 Cost-wise, it was saved up for over time. The only other comment provided on the centiq was:


"There are cintiq with touch, but I decided against the feature since I've heard it can make some programs lag and crash. Instead I use the programable remote that comes with it."


As for computer specs, that's more complicated:


"My comp specs are really good. When I first got it some years ago, it had a problem that caused it to freeze... over the last few years we replaced almost EVERYTHING in it down to the motherboard and processor. until it stopped happening, but we figured as it was piece by piece we'd build each part with a better part as we went. And so we did."

Again, this was over time. Not all at once.

Budgeting is great and I totally support anyone who does, but what some people can forget is that 'buying a new X' can often be done a bit at a time. Not always, but often.

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Interesting dilemma 😉 


I sold all my Wacom tablets as they never really worked for me. 

I am using three things currently my iPad, my laptop or iMac. I’ve been looking at Miscrosoft Surface studio which is a desktop that you can turn into an iPad and draw on it, looks really cool. But I didn’t purchase it because all my house is on Apple and I do like drawing in my iPad in bed 😩 


I use mostly procreate and then I can convert it to vector if that’s what a project needs on a laptop. Airdrop is very useful as I can send file directly from IPad to laptop just with one swipe. 
There is a duet app that mirrors your computer to your laptop and you can use Adobe on your iPad (I think it does slow down the program but doable) 

There are other drawing apps that actually draw in vector on iPad, don’t remember the name of the most popular one as I don’t have my iPad with me. 


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  • 5 months later...

Alright, update time.

I have bought a macbook pro. 

And i must say, it was the best descision. Ipad and macbook connects instantly, without even downloading anything. There is a menu and you click it and BAM.

Now i can open photoshop in macbook, and use my ipad as a graphic tablet with touchscreen. You can use your fingers to pan, rotate and zoom. And pen sensitivty is on. There is no delay too. Plus you get all the bonuses for using both your devices as apple products. Airdrop and such.

Even furthermore, i have also connected my smart tv to the equation. Now i can use my ipad as graphic tablet, run the programs i need to run in macbook and watch it all happen in the giant tv screen.

Its all built in systems without any concern or additional softwares.


Im recommending this to everybody if you are in such dillemmas.

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I have just started using macbook pro in addition to the ipad pro. Which is actually very good. Apple products might be a little heavy on the budgets yes. BUT they are worth it.

First of all, i dont like to use computers, i dont want to maintain them, i dont want it to constantly ask me for stuff with pop ups, software updates, failing to do stuff, requiring to download additional stuff to run something. Its disgusting. Its like owning a car that asks you how to run while you ignite the engine. I just want to open my software and draw stuff. I dont care about the rest. I dont want to compute, its the computers job to compute.

And to my idea, desktop computers are from the previous era. Huge desks, tons of cables everywhere allways needed to be checked again. And you cant bring it with you, you cant move it around the house because that machine is also affecting your interior design. And however hard you try, none of them looks good. Its just a chunk of metal that looks like a suitcase shaped discoball.

And apple is just the perfect device for that! You dont think about anything, you dont even shut down the thing. You just click somewhere random and in 2 seconds its ready to roll. No noise, no software stuff, nothing. Just download what you need and go. Put it in your bag and leave the country, who cares? Its just that practical. It communicates with your other apple products at insane levels. Its all perfect. Best descision i have ever made!


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  • 3 months later...

As a graphic designer. The tools used for our service are worthwhile and power so therefore you need this categories of laptop:


  • Look for a laptop with a dedicated graphics card, such as NVIDIA or AMD. This will ensure smooth performance when working with graphic-intensive software, such as Adobe Creative Suite.
  • Choose a laptop with a high-resolution screen and good color accuracy, such as an IPS or OLED display. This will enable you to see your designs in high detail and with accurate colors.
  • Opt for a laptop with at least 8GB of RAM and a fast processor, such as an Intel Core i5 or i7. This will help ensure that your design software runs smoothly and doesn't lag or crash.
  • Consider the size and weight of the laptop, as well as its battery life, if you plan on traveling or working on-the-go.
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