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Up your BR filtering game?


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Since BR doesn't have a report function, did you already realize that, apart from all the usual sellers posting "buyer" requests, there are many BRs lately, where people post their telegram contact details?

Likely, apart from trying to make sellers contact them off-Fiverr, those are some scam schemes, too, but in any case, it's already tiresome to spot the actual BRs, and BRs with telegram details or other @ shenanigans should be easier to catch in a trigger net, compared to the "masterfully" worded requests by sellers, which I don't doubt must be difficult for AI to figure out as not being actual BRs but seller ads.

I haven't counted, but it feels as if I'm seeing 1/10 genuine requests, sometimes. It used to be pretty good for a while, so maybe someone should manually browse through and adapt filters and such to new trends, like the telegram thing.

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And this ⬇️ is what happens, when you reply to one of the "BRs" that do not even contain the telegram username right in the BR (and there are already more than should be possible that do exactly that), but otherwise, look just as (scammy as) those. You're welcome, I did it for science.


Obviously, I won't contact the scam director on telegram, even though it's tempting to play along to find out what exactly the scam is, but you'll see what I mean like this already. If it was something legit, they'd at least have shared the tiniest bit about the actual "project", to make me more interested in messaging (I already asked them for details via the offer I sent to the BR, too, obviously). I bet a fiver that this "project" is some kind of scam. And there are really many of those "BRs" lately. 

Those "BRs" waste everyone's time, or worse. Please do something against them if possible, thank you! 🙂 



To the sellers who ask "How to identify fake buyers" so often on the forum, the above example illustrates 3 crimson red flags:

  • they try to take you away from Fiverr
  • they even keep trying to take you away from Fiverr after you told them it's not allowed and asked them to tell you what they want right where you are talking to them already anyway, in Fiverr's inbox
  • they are evasive


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Aaaand another one... this time, a person whose Brief I reacted to (for once, a Brief that actually was for something I do offer ... in theory ...) wants me to telegram their HR manager...

So, it's not just BRs but Briefs, too.

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