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Copyright and T&Cs




I've been using a 3rd party plugin on figma to perform something and alter the graphic. I believe that there is a market for this sort of thing online, however it doesn't feel right using it without permission from the owner or without some form of consent. What are the policies for using a 3rd party plugin for commercial use on here? It doesn't have any info on use and copyright in the description of the plugin. Also, Ive emailed the developer but haven't heard a response yet. I just wondered what people on here had to say.



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1 answer to this question

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Well if you have a license for the plugin, I assume it wouldn't be an issue.

If the plugin is free and you are not allowed to use it for commercial use, then I guess you're not allowed to use it.

The safe thing is to wait for the developer's response. If they allow you to use it on Fiverr for commercial use, you should be fine.

In general, Fiverr doesn't allow you to breach the copyright of a third party. So it all comes down to that plugin's copyright and licensing. Needles to say, you can get in trouble if the plugin is not suitable for commercial use and you make money out of it. That might even lead to your account getting banned due to breach of copyright. 

Wait for the developer to see what he says, and if he allows it, then great. If he doesn't or you won't receive a reply at all, don't offer any service involving that plugin.

Hope this helps.

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