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What is Rising Talent? How can i get Rising talent my gig?



Hello fiverr expert's people , 

What is Rising Talent?

What this benefit?

Rising Talent can help me get more order/ Rising talent can help me to stay my gig on first page?

How can i get rising talent 

How can i get Rising talent in my new gig?

I noticed some new sealer gig have rising talent their badge.

What is the process to get rising talent badge?

Thanks by arifkhan621

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4 answers to this question

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2 hours ago, arifkhan621 said:

What is the process to get rising talent badge?

My theory: The relevant Fiverr team spots your Gig as special among all the other new people's Gigs and awards your Gig that badge for a while.

There's nothing you can do on your side, other than having a Gig that will awe them enough to give you that badge.

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On 4/7/2022 at 5:19 PM, shahriyarmamun said:
To rank your Fiverr gig on the first page your should do SEO of your gig.
  1. Add title with specific keyword.
  2. Click on SEO button and add the same keyword in this section as well.
  3. Use the keyword in the first line of description multiple time.
  4. Add proper tags that reflect your gig and keyword.

This information is helpful. Thank you .

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Here is one benefit of getting the Rising Talent Badge. You get this nifty banner on your profile! 720050541_ScreenShot2022-04-10at9_39_44AM.thumb.png.ce55afd5871c69b4f78039aa4a8a5aff.png

However, if your gig images and write-ups are lacking, you still will not get orders. If you have been on Fiverr for a year, then more than likely, you will not get the rising talent badge with your profile being how it is now.


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