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Hello mates,

Hope you guys are doing well. I am facing some critical issues. Some days ago, my promoted gig option turned off and that says "Not promotable (Unqualified)
I've seen this notification from past few weeks. Its telling me they are unqualified and after that day its says you are promoting you gigs. When I got that notification all of my gig lose their rank and when it available for me, All of my gigs comes to their old position. 

All of my gigs are not visible where they were. Its very frustrating situation for me. I am literally don't know what should I do.
I am hoping you guys will help me with this. If you want then You can CHECK my profile.




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I completely understand. And that was the buyers mistake. Please check my response what was happened. Please check the buyers profile. he is doing the same things with other seller. I've explained everything to the support team and the issue was solved. got an warning after this review and then I've contacted to the support team and explained everything. And then they removed the warning and everything was fine. 

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