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“Gig needs further review” after pausing



Hi all!

I have a question. I hope you can help me 🙂

Recently I paused 2 of my gigs because I was having too many orders. (Just 3 days) 

Last night, I activated them but they weren’t showing on the results. I looked on the status and it says “Activated but need further review”  I of course, contacted CS but haven’t had anything from them (a few hours ago)

i don’t know why this happened. I haven’t had any problems with this before. 

I have seen some posts here on the community that it might be due to the gig description, title, tags, etc 

I reviewed it and the only problem I  noticed is that I had tagged both my gigs as translation which is a service that it can be done within the service but it is not the main one. 
what do you recommend me to do? 
And what can I do to avoid this kind of problem again? 
maybe you can check my gigs and tell me if there’s something odd there so I can modify it. 

Thank you!!!!!


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