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Bought a gig to clean and secure Wordpress site with 30 days support, support not provided




I bought a gig from a security expert from fiverr after having my website hacked. In the gig description is saying 30 days support provided. I accepted the gig without revisions although someone was hacking my database every night, but he said that site is clean from malware.

After running a Kaspersky scan on the backup I found 3 trojans and now he says that there is nothing he can do as it is over his expertise.

He offered a full refund and I said that I'll pay for his work, just say a figure, but he keep avoiding any answers.

Can I do something to have the value refunded or just forget about it and move over?

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Guest lloydsolutions
5 minutes ago, mihaivasile490 said:

Can I do something to have the value refunded

Here is the link for Customer Support: 

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