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Artwork not as requested


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First time buyer, hello!

A friend recommended an artist to me and I love their work.  I sent a very specific request for a D&D character and they accepted.  There was a problem with the first revision (I submitted a response that, for some reason, didn't save), and apologized to the artist.  I then re-submitted my revision requests, all of which were based on the initial description (I have not changed what I requested at all)

After two takes so far, the artwork is wonderful but not at all what I had asked for.  In my one revision so far I pointed out the corrections needed by quoting my original request and asking that the art reflect that aspect.  For example, I requested worn leather armor with bits of chain and in both the original and revision, the character isn't wearing armor.

Any suggestions?  I don't want to hurt the artist's feelings because what they're drawing is very nice, but it's not matching the initial request.

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10 hours ago, suegrau said:

Any suggestions?  I don't want to hurt the artist's feelings because what they're drawing is very nice, but it's not matching the initial request.

Hmm... Did you include reference images? It's possible (though unlikely) that the artist doesn't understand what you meant. It's also possible (and slightly more likely) that, if you didn't provide a reference, and they tried to research it themselves, that they got the wrong results. For example, "cowl" in todays terms is different to its classic/historical usage.

As for hurting their feeling, it depends on if it was an honest mistake, or if they drew it the way they did because they think it's 'better that way'. I know of a few artists myself that get too attached to what they've already done, even if it's incorrect to what their client wants and specifically described in the original order. A 'change order' is another matter entirely.

Question. Did they update you through the process? Show sketches and provide progress reports?

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I got the first pencil sketch and responded to it, which for some reason didn't save properly in the system (I'm new to it and maybe put it in the wrong place?)

They then finished it (colors and background) at which point I repeatedly apologized for the error and sent the corrections.  The weapon was wrong (which was an understandable mistake since I hadn't sent an image).  I had sent an image for the purposes of skin and hair color and was quite specific 'skin tone and hair color in the attached pic are right.'

Overall, I described the character as 'tragic' with matted hair, crushed skull on one side, unevenly torn sleeves, a dead animal skin for a cloak, leather armor with bits of chain (it's a D&D character and the person specifically draws D&D characters).  Both sketches returned to me lacked all of these things - she's standing, leaning on her weapon with one foot crossed in front of the other with a few scars around one eye, tunic, pants, etc. all looking perfectly intact and normal.  Well drawn, but nothing like I requested.

I appreciate the time and effort they've put in, but it's not what I asked for, and again, I haven't altered my initial order at all, so I'm not asking for new alterations.

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6 hours ago, suegrau said:

I got the first pencil sketch and responded to it, which for some reason didn't save properly in the system (I'm new to it and maybe put it in the wrong place?)

They then finished it (colors and background) at which point I repeatedly apologized for the error and sent the corrections.  The weapon was wrong (which was an understandable mistake since I hadn't sent an image).  I had sent an image for the purposes of skin and hair color and was quite specific 'skin tone and hair color in the attached pic are right.'

Overall, I described the character as 'tragic' with matted hair, crushed skull on one side, unevenly torn sleeves, a dead animal skin for a cloak, leather armor with bits of chain (it's a D&D character and the person specifically draws D&D characters).  Both sketches returned to me lacked all of these things - she's standing, leaning on her weapon with one foot crossed in front of the other with a few scars around one eye, tunic, pants, etc. all looking perfectly intact and normal.  Well drawn, but nothing like I requested.

I appreciate the time and effort they've put in, but it's not what I asked for, and again, I haven't altered my initial order at all, so I'm not asking for new alterations.

That's weird as an DND character artist I try to include all details as much as possible. Have you asked if he mixed the order or not ? There was a time that I have delivered the wrong files/switched the file. There are some artists that charge extra for an detailed elements like plate armor, extra weapon, spell effect etc... 

If the artist didn't try include details from initial brief you should ask for an revision.
But for some reason your respond to sketch didn't send, and artist assumed you had no problem and finished the artwork. That's bummer. You could ask for an revision with little bit of extra in this case. 

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  • 4 weeks later...

If you feel like what you asked was a little unfair or was a mistake on your part, you can chip in some money for compensation of their time.

If i get asked something totally different in the revisions, i usually confront the buyer and ask why they didint ask those stuff at the beginning. It doesnt go anywhere of course, but i do it anyway. Sometimes they have valid points, sometimes they dont. 

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