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What is the reason to don't get order.


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Hello, the community! I have five gigs on fivver whose are speed optimization,woocommerce ,elementor pro , PSD to HTML, and SSL/migration-related. I send 180+ offers and i active in fivver still 1.30 am every night. I completed 70+ days but i can’t get any order. please anyone check my profile and give me some tips how to improve my gig and profile? Where is the provlem? my gig link https://www.fiverr.com/share/k2yNVN . Thank you all.

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Guest denis_art

Maybe you should make a GIG images more attractive with big text. And make a GIG video for your GIGs. It will make them more informative and attractive! Too much text in description is not always good, it can push away potential clients. This is my tips as an artist. Keep improve your GIGs and you will get your first order. Good luck! 😃

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Guest lucygunderson

Hiya! I hope that your day is going well, Shimul!
You’ve stated that you’re active and send offers, and your gig looks really well-done. It seems to be a popular service on the site, but don’t worry.

I’ve gotten some pretty good advice on the site that has gotten me quite a few clicks. I haven’t gotten a sale yet, but I’ve heard that once you get a sale with good ratings, you’ll kick off from there!
My advice, in your case, is this;

  • Frequently visit the forums. Try chatting with other users and helping them out with issues that you’ve solved in the past. Being friendly can really help you in the long run! 🙂
  • Use the SEO-friendly titles option, and be sure to use keywords. Use anything that you can think of, but think with the mind of a client; What terms would you search for if you wanted to find the service that you’re offering?
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Maybe you should make a GIG images more attractive with big text. And make a GIG video for your GIGs. It will make them more informative and attractive! Too much text in description is not always good, it can push away potential clients. This is my tips as an artist. Keep improve your GIGs and you will get your first order. Good luck! 😃

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Hiya! I hope that your day is going well, Shimul!

You’ve stated that you’re active and send offers, and your gig looks really well-done. It seems to be a popular service on the site, but don’t worry.

I’ve gotten some pretty good advice on the site that has gotten me quite a few clicks. I haven’t gotten a sale yet, but I’ve heard that once you get a sale with good ratings, you’ll kick off from there!

My advice, in your case, is this;

  • Frequently visit the forums. Try chatting with other users and helping them out with issues that you’ve solved in the past. Being friendly can really help you in the long run! 🙂
  • Use the SEO-friendly titles option, and be sure to use keywords. Use anything that you can think of, but think with the mind of a client; What terms would you search for if you wanted to find the service that you’re offering?

Owo! Thank you Lucygunderson for your awesome tips.I will try to my best help people in this community. ❤️

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Hi, I have a few things for you to consider:

  • Do not ever offer “100% guaranteed satisfaction” or “Unlimited revisions.” This opens you up to a client stringing you on effectively forever without your ever getting paid. It also comes across as desperate, and desperate doesn’t get sales.
  • Bold and highlighted text just looks tacky. If it’s important, it’s already on your Gig. If it’s not important, then it shouldn’t be there. You can put some things is bold, but using the highlighting looks unprofessional.
  • Your gig images:
    – Your primary image looks like you ran out of space and kept making your font smaller and small to stuff things in there.
    – Use consistent naming. Is it “eCommerce” or “Ecommerce”? Use one, stick to it.
    – You images in your primary image and the second two images look like stock images. If you didn’t do the work to make that site, you shouldn’t add them.
    – Trying to stay awake until 1:30am every night is a bad idea. Making yourself tired won’t help you when you do get a customer. It’s not about how long you are available, it’s about making your offering different from others. (Did I mention don’t offer 100% guarantees or unlimited revisions?)
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Thank you for your awesome recommendations.
1)When i search in google or youtube how to create attactive gig in fiverr? They provide me research work related gig and then i research 10-30 gigs and i saw 80% worker provide unlimited revision and satisfaction so i do it.
2)“Bold and highlighted word” yea! I will try to solve it
3)“gig image” Yea! I will try to solve it.
4)"spelling " yea i will try to solve it.

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On 3/15/2021 at 2:11 AM, shimul1212 said:

then i research 10-30 gigs and i saw 80% worker provide unlimited revision and satisfaction so i do it.

I think the problem is that you were copying what others did instead of writing your own gig. If you copy what others do, then you are going to look exactly the same as them and you won’t stand out, which leads to no one hiring you.

Write your gig about what makes YOU special and why customers should hire you instead of the thousand other people offering the same service.

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I will add another

Please Knock me?

What on earth does this mean? I know what you think it means, but the problem is that it does not really mean that at all and only indicates a very poor use of language, especially professional language.

  • Knock, to bang on, knock on a door = Please hit me
  • Knock, to deride or sledge (ask the cricket fans) = Please say bad things about me
  • Knock, to um, er, do “it” 😉 me

Please contact me. Please speak with me. Please ask me questions are all good ways to say what you really want here


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On 3/15/2021 at 4:14 AM, janeeditor said:

I think the problem is that you were copying what others did instead of writing your own gig. If you copy what others do, then you are going to look exactly the same as them and you won’t stand out, which leads to no one hiring you.

Write your gig about what makes YOU special and why customers should hire you instead of the thousand other people offering the same service.

Thank you i understand your reply.❤️ 

On 3/15/2021 at 4:22 AM, benedictrm said:

I will add another

Please Knock me?

What on earth does this mean? I know what you think it means, but the problem is that it does not really mean that at all and only indicates a very poor use of language, especially professional language.

  • Knock, to bang on, knock on a door = Please hit me
  • Knock, to deride or sledge (ask the cricket fans) = Please say bad things about me
  • Knock, to um, er, do “it” 😉 me

Please contact me. Please speak with me. Please ask me questions are all good ways to say what you really want here 🙂

Owo! Thank you for your awesome recommendations.

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  • 11 months later...

Hi, I hope Everyone are ok. I working in fiverr as a wordpress expert. Unfortunately last 3 months i did not got any buyer message or order. In my three gigs have some good feedback +5 star review. Review:7+8+1

Last one month i generated some order from my pervious clients and marketing.. 

I think my gig images and text are ok. I got some  click and impression everyday. 

1)Have you any recommendations? 2)  How to i hundle this situation? Or 3) why i do not get any message last three month's? 4) can i contact with fiverr support? 

I sent buyer request everyday but not more (maybe 4-5) 

I tried to active more and more hours

Thank you Shimul. 

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First, I would recommend you remove unlimited revisions from all your offered gigs.


Your gig images are brightly colored, but plain, with lots of text and several small, hard to see symbols/images inserted. The more concise the text, the better.

There are grammatical issues with your gig descriptions, gig titles, and gig images.

That's all that immediately jumped to my mind. 

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  • 2 months later...
  • 11 months later...

Hello , My gig has 34+ click and 6000+ impression . I am happy with the click and impression. But i think something rong with my gig description , In this case i need some suggestion About gig description and gig price . Can you visit my gig as a buyer ? and Can you suggest me why you don't like to purchase my gig as a buyer. Thanks.



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