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Appeal to Micha Kaufman (From Russian Seller)


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Please, there is no need to mix everyone into one pile.

Most do not approve of what is happening now, and freelancers are certainly not to blame for this.
I really like working for Fiverr, and for many it is the only source of income.
I hope all this will end soon, I wish you all the best :)

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It is a pity that Fiverr is suspending its activities in Russia. For my family, this was the main income. 
Residents of the Russian Federation are absolutely not to blame for what is happening. Our people are not the aggressor! We did not want and do not want this war!
And blocking the accounts of Russian performers to support Ukraine is absolutely wrong! By supporting some and blocking accounts, you destroy the normal life of other people, families.

I'm disappointed

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Hello, dear site administrators.
My name is Artem. I have been on this site for a year and a half, I managed to fulfill 99 orders and I have 8 orders active now. 
I want you to understand that all these sad events are not the will of the people of Russia, it is not the desire of all Russian users of your site.
If you block access to people from Russia from March 14, it will not affect the government in any way, it will deprive thousands of families of their only earnings, which will only play into the hands of this regime. 
When the pandemic started, this site became my only income and a new hope. I got to know a lot of good people from 17 countries and I don't want to lose it. 
I ask you to reconsider the decision you are going to make. 
thank you, sincerely, Artem

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It is a pity that fiverr is suspending its work in Russia. Fiverr is my only source of income. Many of us are against war. But we are ordinary citizens, and we do not have the right to vote in our country. I am ready to give a percentage of my income to the Red Cross. I have many relatives in Ukraine. Our whole family is horrified by what is happening. We really hope that it will be over soon.

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2 hours ago, newsmike said:

Punishing powerless citizens of countries for the actions of their leaders is a new and very scary trend in the world. 


I fully agree with you dear Mike. Actually these measures do not affect the leaders and their decisions, but on the contrary these measures only ruin more lives of innocent civilians

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I’m not an experienced seller as many of other people who're gathering here. But I already in the position, where all of my income comes from Fiverr.

We didn’t choose this war, we don’t support it and we CAN’T AFFECT IT.

I just graduated from university and no company will take me to have a job right now because all companies are shrinking down due to economic collapse. 
All my clients are here, all my experience as a freelancer is here.

I live in a country where my voice will never be heard. I live in Russia. But the only thing I have to hope for right now is for my voice to be heard at places like this. Please don’t take away my job. I have nowhere else to go to if I can’t work with art. 
the only people you hurt is us - people who don’t support this madness that our government is causing. We didn’t do anything and we didn’t choose to live in this country. Please don’t punish us for something we can’t affect as much, just like the rest of the planet. 

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I am in Australia and have paid 8 artists on Fiverr to do the same job so that I could chose the best artist for a children book. That artist is in Russia. She is clearly against the war and has relatives in Ukraine. She doesn't deserve to be cut out just because of a mad dictator. 

Fiverr must make exceptions to Russian artists and not drag them into this war.

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43 minutes ago, grizelda8 said:

Russia artists: how can we help you? Tell us how we can contact you.

Hey! Thank you very much for such support! You have no idea how important this is for all of us! All freelancers from Russia, artists, writers, musicians, designers and other creative people do not support the madness that our government is doing. People go to rallies, they are arrested, beaten and charged with criminal cases. Just think for going to a rally against the murder can get a term of 15 years in prison! Many of us have relatives and friends in Ukraine, and we are terribly depressed by what is happening there. I myself have Ukrainian and Belarusian blood.
Now there is a mass impoverishment of citizens in the country, many companies are leaving Russia, closing their enterprises. We're not afraid that we won't be able to drink Coke or go to the movies to see the new Batman. The worst thing is that thousands of people were left without work and livelihoods. And now it has touched and us, freelancers. For almost everyone, Fiverr was the main job and now they are left with nothing. They have loans, mortgages, kids or parents to support. I am an illustrator myself and have been moving towards my goal for a very long time, and now I have lost everything, I cannot leave the country, because I have disabled people in my family and I cannot leave them, and I will not. I can’t find a job in my city and do what I love, people simply don’t have the means to order an illustration! People are thinking about where to get money for food and pay for housing.
We all really hope and believe that the Fiverr will reconsider their decision, because for us, ordinary citizens, it changes lives!
And most importantly, that this terrible war is over! We are for peace!

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1 hour ago, grizelda8 said:

Russia artists: how can we help you? Tell us how we can contact you.

Thank you for your support. Just the fact that you support this topic helps us. I understand that we are not omnipotent, so it will be enough just to draw attention to this problem and hope for understanding and common sense. We all hope that the conflict will be resolved as soon as possible and ordinary citizens of the affected countries will be able to return to a peaceful life.

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Appeal to Micha Kaufman.
My name is Rafikov Vadim, I am a professional sound engineer. I am a second-level salesman and the owner of the badge "Fiverr's choice". 
Tell me, please, what do we have to do with this madness that is happening in the world? We are all creative people here who make this world a kinder and better place through our work. Why is Fiverr suddenly changing its founding principle?

It's painful and bitter to realize what's going on in this crazy world. Let's at least set an example on Fiverr of what it means to be friends! Today, ordinary Americans, Canadians, Englishmen, people of different colors and religions all write to me, all expressing their sympathy for our Russian community.

We are not politicians or military, we are for world peace! Now read what the Fiverr charter says:" We are creating a space for a community that wants to play its part in changing the way the world works together. We've created a global network of writers, designers, producers, videographers, business owners, and professionals from hundreds of industries who use Fiverr every day to create what they believe in. We are inspired by each of our community members. We value their views, beliefs, and opinions - they are what make Fiverr so dynamic.

We are not oligarchs here, we are ordinary people who want peace. If you only knew how many kind words of support we hear every day from our customers all over the world. My customers are "business customers" or "Fiverr choice". I have "Fiverr choice" myself. Right now, a customer is writing to me. What should I answer him? That we are no longer needed? Oh... Make the right decision!!! 
Sorry if I was emotional.

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On 3/10/2022 at 4:22 PM, edmupdaily said:

Обращение к Micha Kaufman.

Дорогой Micha Kaufman, если вы позволите, я обращаюсь к вам в столь тяжелый час на своем родном языке.

Меня зовут Глеб Сергеев, я на Fiverr c 2016 года, за это время сделал более 3.600 заказов, выполнял работу для клиентов со всего мира. Благодарен вам за это прекрасное время в моей жизни, спасибо вам и вашей команде.
Я постараюсь быть честным с вами в этом обращении и понимаю ситуацию, которая в данный момент нависла не только над пользователями Fiverr - гражданами Украины и как оказалось, России*.

Хочу сказать следующее, моя страна в которой я проживаю называется не Россия*, а Российская Федерация. Что это значит? Это значит, что на территории Российской Федерации проживает большое количество разных народов и этносов, Русские, Татары, те же Украинцы, Башкиры, Чуваши, Азербайджанцы, Грузины, Казахи, Белорусы, Турки, Якуты, Мордва, Удмурты, Таджики, Узбеки, Китайцы, Вьетнамцы, Киргизы и многие другие народы. Мы живем все вместе, заключаем браки между собой. В моем родном городе Казань есть храм всех религий, напротив церкви стоит мечеть, мы рождаем общих детей, мы достаточно цивилизованы и демократичны.

Я считаю, что 95% людей моей страны находятся в тотальном шоке, от того, что происходит сейчас вокруг этих событий. Мои предки — это этнические русские, украинцы, татары и мордва – я человек мира, как и большинство Российских граждан мы против этой войны!

Многие компании уходят с Российского рынка, тем самым оставляя людей безработными.
В начале вашего обращения вы говорите:
We also mourn with our global community of freelancers and business owners, who work daily across borders, languages, and cultures to create opportunity. They know that any conflict that divides like-minded and good people into “us vs. them” represents a loss for all of humanity and is contrary to everything the Fiverr community stands for.
Почему вы ставите Российских граждан и правительство в один ряд? Невзирая на языки, местонахождение и национальность? Разве, это демократия!? Принципы вашей компании изменились?
Мой прадед по маминой линии воевал с нацистами с 1941го и вернулся домой только в конце 1947года. Он освобождал людей из лагеря Хелмно в Польше, в котором уничтожали Цыган и Иудеев. С 1945 по 1947 год он был в Польше и боролся с остатками нацистов Германии и их союзников, восстанавливал мир. Но это была другая война, многие сейчас сравнивают его…. С Гитлером. Но ведь это абсурд!!!! Нет места сравнению, нет места истории, мы живем в 21 вом веке. Если есть демократические принципы равенства, то я прошу вас Micha Kaufman, будьте выше всего этого! Отделите Российских граждан от Российского правительства, более 30ти тысяч полит заключенных в моей стране. Против нас обычных людей все, абсолютно все!

Для многих Fiverr это единственный источник дохода, а для многих это может стать им в связи с тем, что людей ждет безработица. Компании, которые уходят с рынка Российской федерации, оставляют всех нас на произвол судьбы. В нашей стране работает сильнейшая пропаганда, которая будет говорить, что он* прав, что западные страны хотят развала моей страны. Многие люди поверят в это, когда в их холодильниках станет пусто и у этих людей встанет выбор – идти на Fiverr, либо поддаваться этой пропаганде.

Micha Kaufman, лишая Российских граждан - специалистов работать на Fiverr, вы обрекаете всех нас на нищету, ненависть, унижение и страдания.


It is not entirely clear why ordinary Russian freelancers should suffer from this (although in fact it is clear what kind of game is being played), but why such drastic measures? You could simply lower our rating or turn off early payments or increase the withdrawal fee or freeze the withdrawal function, and you could also send all the funds withheld from us (from Russian freelancers) to help Ukrainian refugees. But this... This is too much. Do you help Ukrainian freelancers by eliminating Russian freelancers from the market? Cool strategy. Tolerant and democratic. I hope Fiverr administration in the future, will be very ashamed for this decision.

"all people are equal but some are more equal than others" ... right?


Edited by blackcubic
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I guess, the support is also not available for Russians anymore — no one seems to answer my ticket, it's been a whole day and night since I posted it.

I have around $1200 on my Fiverr account - it's quite a serious sum there, in Russia. And I have no ways to make any use of it — PayPal is unavailable, Payoneer won't let me register, and Fiverr won't even let me spend those money on other people's gigs.

I'm lucky, because I won't starve — I have a day job there, in Russia. But I worked quite a lot to earn those money, put a lot of effort to make my buyers happy, and all I get is my money getting stolen by the system, and support won't even say anything about it. I'm pretty sure my buyers wouldn't be happy if they knew their money and tips never reached me.

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2 hours ago, alex_bit said:

I guess, the support is also not available for Russians anymore — no one seems to answer my ticket, it's been a whole day and night since I posted it.

I have around $1200 on my Fiverr account - it's quite a serious sum there, in Russia. And I have no ways to make any use of it — PayPal is unavailable, Payoneer won't let me register, and Fiverr won't even let me spend those money on other people's gigs.

I'm lucky, because I won't starve — I have a day job there, in Russia. But I worked quite a lot to earn those money, put a lot of effort to make my buyers happy, and all I get is my money getting stolen by the system, and support won't even say anything about it. I'm pretty sure my buyers wouldn't be happy if they knew their money and tips never reached me.

My Friend, I'm not particulary sure, but if your Bank is not sanctioned yet, you could withdraw money via "bank transfer" option. It goes through payoneer, but there will be its own registration with a limited functionality. My Friend managed to get some money this way.

Also I don't want to take too much spaces in the replies, so I'll just update on the status of our petition here: it's almost 200 people! Thanks to all of you for the support! https://chng.it/MWnvxSFnwM

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2 hours ago, alex_bit said:

I guess, the support is also not available for Russians anymore — no one seems to answer my ticket, it's been a whole day and night since I posted it.

I have around $1200 on my Fiverr account - it's quite a serious sum there, in Russia. And I have no ways to make any use of it — PayPal is unavailable, Payoneer won't let me register, and Fiverr won't even let me spend those money on other people's gigs.

I'm lucky, because I won't starve — I have a day job there, in Russia. But I worked quite a lot to earn those money, put a lot of effort to make my buyers happy, and all I get is my money getting stolen by the system, and support won't even say anything about it. I'm pretty sure my buyers wouldn't be happy if they knew their money and tips never reached me.

Зарегестрируйтесь через впн, я так сделала, привязала карту тинькоф и все работает) 

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I have been working in Fiverr not too long but this platform has changed my life: It became possible to make my dream job and accept the warmest feedback from my customers. I could provide myself with an income and get independence from my parents since they are not able to support me anymore. I am just as opposed to this war as most of people around me and I think that's unfair and inhumane to cancel Russians because we didn't choose this government and didn't want this war. We are just the same ordinary people as in any other places of Earth and we just want to have something on a plate today.

Peace ✌ 

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Dear Mr. Kaufman,


My name is Ivan and I'm a mixing and mastering engineer, I've been offering my services on Fiverr since 2016. Almost 2000 completed orders and many repeat customers that have been working with me for years. 

I'm against the war, I don't support our president and I wish that madness to end as fast as possible. My heart is broken for Ukrainian people, what russian troops are doing in there is horrible and have no excuses. 


There are many of those who oppose the awful decisions our government makes, we are getting repressed for that, some of us are in jail already. And now all of these sanctions are targeted to ruin Russia's economic which will downgrade the quality of our lives. As far as I understand, Fiverr's mission is to unite creative people from all around the world and manifest the new philosophy - we are people of the world and we are here to help each other, make each other stronger, happier and wealthier. 


Your decision to suspend Fiverr's services in Russian Federation will only harm those who have been loyal to your company. Let us help to stop the war, let us donate to help Ukrainians. I would really be happy to continue working on your platform and keep in touch with all of my customers who didn't turn on me just because I live in Russian Federation and they perfectly know this fact.


Kind regards


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