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Fiverr Suspends Business in Russia


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Can Fiverr consider just setting high fees for sellers in Russia in favor of Ukraine support while this all happening, something like 50%? The whole country is going down the drain. Don't take away last oportunity for us and our families to survive this.

For those who think that all Russian sellers suddenly became against war, do you really think that this is right place where you can find Putin supporters? Bunch of designers and IT specialists who learn languages, western technologies, making connections with foreigners? We are probably the most western oriented people, and we support man who proud of that he never used internet?

You can help the people of Ukraine right now with all these Fees. Wouldn't it be a great example of Fiverr and Russian people support for Ukraine?

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40 minutes ago, hogake said:

My state used to be ruled by a tyrant, but this stopped in 2014 during the Revolution of Dignity. Then all Ukrainians were able to overthrow the tyrant and start democratic reincarnations. But you Russians are not taught by history. The Russians are simply paying the price for their silence.

While I agree that protests weren't as large as many of us would like them to be, still I don't think Maidan scenario would be possible in Moscow. Is amount of police and troops Putin and Yanukovich has in 2014 even close comparable? Anyway, blaming each and every citizen that they wouldn't want armed revolution isn't correct, IMO.

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After reading the answers here, as a Russian freelancer, I can say that for some people your site was the only source of income, since it is very difficult to find a job in Russia, especially in the creative field. Of course, before this so-called war, I was apolitical, because I live in this reality and I got used to it. But if you think about it, for example, my mother paid for my education (higher education) from 50% of her earnings. We almost never traveled, although we really wanted to. I really feel sorry for my parents who have to work 24/7 to earn a penny. And I, who loves my work and puts all my strength and emotions into it, absolutely cannot earn a normal income in my country. Don't get me wrong, I love Russia, I love our nature, our people. But "fiverr" was my main income. Now I don't know what to do. I feel sorry for the Ukrainians, but also sorry for my people. All of us have suffered, and it seems that foreign companies really just don't care about us. Who would not say anything about humanity in Russia now it does not exist. Forgive me for being so harsh, but I'm very emotionally depressed right now. I hope that both Ukrainians and Russians will soon be fine. I don't think you'll change your mind, but thanks for at least letting me cash out.

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On 3/12/2022 at 5:21 PM, vrus88 said:

1. Go and get any vpn Service.

2. Set you country to Ukraine.

3. Create a new Account and set your country to Ukraine.

4. ?

5. Profit.

So you are encouraging people to break the rules right? That's what you are doing? 

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8 hours ago, donnovan86 said:

So you are encouraging people to break the rules right? That's what you are doing? 

Fiverr breaks his own rules by discriminating against people because of their ethnicity and or political Background. This is open Racism. Here in Germany Russian shops get vandalised, Hospitals and Restaurants stated they wont have russians customers.

Edited by vrus88
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8 hours ago, vrus88 said:

Dear Russian Freelancers i know it is hard for you guys now and the whole world is just trending to hate on you. Take my advice:

1. Go and get any vpn Service.

2. Set you country to Ukraine.

3. Create a new Account and set your country to Ukraine.

4. ?

5. Profit.


This is Open Racism against all of the russian people and for the whole world it seems to be ok. Stay strong guys. 

you know, sites can tell if you're using publicly availible vpns or tor - people can be banned following your advice

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3 hours ago, vrus88 said:

Fiverr breaks his own rules by discriminating against people because of their ethnicity and or political Background. This is open Racism. Here in Germany Russian shops get vandalised, Hospitals and Restaurants stated they wont have russians customers.

What does the vandalization of Russian shops have to do with Fiverr? Russia is viewed negatively all over the world due to obvious reasons. No one can level a country basically and not suffer consequences. I am very sorry this is happening to Russian people too, as many of them are fed up a different story. 

That being said, you are encouraging people to break the Fiverr TOS. And if you check, Fiverr is not the only business imposing sanctions. Yes, sanctions are the right way to make a change right now. Or do you prefer other countries get in the action and WW3 starts? 

Before Fiverr Upwork did the same thing this week, they are stopping their business in Russia. Keep in mind this is temporary. It's not like they will do it forever. But it will continue until the war stops. Just like with all the sanctions. It's not due to racism, or anything like that. Countries are not ok with Russia destroying and leveling another sovereign country and blatantly lying all the time about their reasons, not calling it a war (which it clearly is), etc. 

Anyway I am not into politics but clearly sanctions are the only thing one can do right now. I am sad to see people getting affected by this, but hopefully it will lead to a way to stop this war once and for all. The faster it stops, the faster people will get their Russian Fiverr account back, they even said it themselves. 

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39 minutes ago, donnovan86 said:

Anyway I am not into politics but clearly sanctions are the only thing one can do right now. I am sad to see people getting affected by this, but hopefully it will lead to a way to stop this war once and for all. The faster it stops, the faster people will get their Russian Fiverr account back, they even said it themselves. 

Believe me, millions of Russians, including me want this war to be over like right now and we are suffering for what is going with our neighbours. Cutting off the income only worsen the situation and actually makes Putin happy because he builds this whole West vs Russia story, telling us citizens: "Look at what they're doing to you", etc. The idea of donating part of the income to Ukrainians during this mad times is actually serves both the good cause to help people and the fact there are much more Russians who are against this war.

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21 minutes ago, rudra_dey said:

It’s a good decision.

It's not the ideal situation, but the right thing to do under these circumstances. The problem is that a lot of people from Russia which are innocent and had nothing to do with this issue are ending up without a major (or their only) source of income. Hopefully the war is ending soon because it certainly doesn't benefit anyone.

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Both of the citizens are innocent, except for those you know, well hope so online earning communities will  play fairly to each one, as we know work and person's talent matters.

I have a query: is there any solution?Like what if they change their citizenship on fiverr? possible? 

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1 hour ago, blindsightmix said:

Believe me, millions of Russians, including me want this war to be over like right now and we are suffering for what is going with our neighbours. Cutting off the income only worsen the situation and actually makes Putin happy because he builds this whole West vs Russia story, telling us citizens: "Look at what they're doing to you", etc. The idea of donating part of the income to Ukrainians during this mad times is actually serves both the good cause to help people and the fact there are much more Russians who are against this war.

I do not believe you! You are Russian and you want to help the side which Russia wars against, don't you? As minimum it seems like you do not have feelings of self-preservation...

Please stop making fast decisions. This is the war. And it is real. People are dying on the both sides. Your ideas are not the same as to go to the peaceful meeting.

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6 minutes ago, maksim_nikulin said:

I do not believe you! You are Russian and you want to help the side which Russia wars against, don't you? As minimum it seems like you do not have feelings of self-preservation...

Please stop making fast decisions. This is the war. And it is real. People are dying on the both sides. Your ideas are not the same as to go to the peaceful meeting.

My ideas are to stop suffering in the whole world, for each and every country. I will never support the war and I will stand by this point everywhere I go. So that people from all over the world know that there are Russians who stands for peace and humanity. Including Fiverr, that I still believe exists to unite and help creative people.

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1 hour ago, maksim_nikulin said:

You are Russian and you want to help the side which Russia wars against, don't you?

I am Russian but why does it mean that I should support the side which, on behalf of me, started the war? I don't share the ideas announced by the government. Nobody asked whether I want this war or not.

1 hour ago, maksim_nikulin said:

People are dying on the both sides.

As long as Russian troops are on the territory of another country.

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Let's call a spade a spade. Fiverr cares about Fiverr. Their biggest fear is seeing a headline that reads "FIVERR KEEPS DOING BUSINESS IN RUSSIA"

That's it. They think it will hurt their brand to keep contributing to Russian tax dollars.

This isn't about supporting the Ukraine. If Fiverr wanted to support Ukraine, it would announce it's taking all of the fees it grabs off our sales and donating them all to Ukraine relief funds That's how you support a country - by giving to them, not by taking away from someone else.

Unless Putin  is secretly a graphic artist on here, Fiverr is going after the wrong people and it's going to cost good people their homes, their belongings, and their families before it's all over.

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I worked with an artist living in Russia for 3 months this summer. We became friends. I live in the U.S. I feel I need to speak up. I am in total disagreement with this "Suspending business in Russia" policy.
According to a Fiverr blog post March 9 : "We also mourn with our global community of freelancers and business owners, who work daily across borders, languages, and cultures to create opportunity. They know that any conflict that divides like-minded and good people into “us vs. them” represents a loss for all of humanity and is contrary to everything the Fiverr community stands for."
 It seems that you are promoting an "us vs them" mentality, a war mentality against the Russian citizens that are vendors on Fiverr. The Russian people are not waging a war against  Ukraine and yet Fiverr is "penalizing" them. 
Ana Sanford

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1 hour ago, donnichols said:

I am Russian but why does it mean that I should support the side which, on behalf of me, started the war? I don't share the ideas announced by the government. Nobody asked whether I want this war or not.

There was nothing about supporting Russian government. Why are you asking? You should decide by yourself.

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14 minutes ago, mikavirtanen said:

We can only guess how long this "temporary" could be. Even if it's 1 year, this is disastrous

Well I hope it won't take more than a month and the war is over. Because if it ends up taking a year, this will damage a lot more than just Fiverr. It will have catastrophic repercussions all over the world.

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