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Sellers Please Understand


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Hello Dear Sellers, prepare yourself for a GOOD LAUGH. 🙂

(And Buyers, you will enjoy this too!)

Plus, you will learn something VALUABLE - this is Tips For Sellers, after all. 😉

It’s Robert, the Considerate Buyer.

And I just HAD to post, the 2 following word-for-word exchanges I just recently had with… shall we way… intellectually CHALLENGED sellers…


Dear Fiverr Seller,

I am interested in purchasing your Gig, but there are some essential items that are not answered in the Gig’s description.

Please reply with your answers, at your earliest convenience. Thank you.

Your Gig offers… [details from her Gig Description].

What happens if, after I get [what she has promised to deliver], I encounter [a potential problem I can see, “down the road”]?


yes i can make… it…

how many account Do you Want ??


Did you even read my Question??

You offer 80, so why are you asking me how many I want?

And I can NOT buy, until you please answer my Question…


i didnt agree on your Work…


Fraggled & Rocked may not be contacted at this time.


Let us not dwell on the FAVOUR this Fraggled & Rocked person did me, by blocking further conversation and thus, preventing me from EVER making the MISTAKE of BUYING from her…


…and let us not dwell on the FAVOUR this Fraggled & Rocked person did me, by “reporting” our conversation and thus, SAVING ME THE TIME of having to inform Fiverr of her astonishing ignorance!


Let us instead, move on to my SECOND attempt, to obtain the SAME type of work, from a DIFFERENT seller:


Dear Fiverr Seller,

I am interested in purchasing your Gig, but there are some essential items that are not answered in the Gig’s description.

Please reply with your answers, at your earliest convenience. Thank you.

Your Gig offers… [details from his Gig Description].

What happens if, after I get [what he has promised to deliver], I encounter [a potential problem I can see, “down the road”]?

AMERICAN-Profile-Flag (Yeah, right… responding in a timezone appropriate for the opposite side of the planet!) ROCKED & FRAGGLED SELLER:

no… sir… all are New [types of] account.


Thank you for responding, but this does NOT answer my question.

I realize these are all new accounts. BUT…

[and I write a more detailed explanation of the potential problem, such that even a FIVE-year old could understand]

AMERICAN-Profile-Flag (Yeah, right… AGAIN responding in a timezone appropriate for the opposite side of the planet!) ROCKED & FRAGGLED SELLER:

sir,… i cant follow in your Instraction…

if you Need [the item offered] place order,


[Despite the fact that I GAVE NO INSTRUCTIONS, but merely asked a QUESTION…]

[And Despite the temptation to respond to him, that this would NOT be as painful as a Dental Instraction…]


Ok, obviously your English is too poor to understand me.

It’s ok, I understand, you just want to sell [the items offered] without talking to the Buyer.

Unfortunately, that’s not enough in my case, so I CANNOT buy from you.

I wish you Good Luck on Fiverr,


AMERICAN-Profile-Flag (Yeah, right…) ROCKED & FRAGGLED SELLER:

you Buy on $5 and you talking conversation is Minion Dollar … $$…

i dont need that Type Buy…;.


Rocked & Fraggled may not be contacted at this time.


Let us not dwell on the RUDENESS of this Rocked & Fraggled seller, by responding to a GOOD-HEARTED BUYER, who despite this seller’s obvious ignorance, still wished this seller “Good Luck” in his future endeavors (and he’s gonna need a LOT of luck!)…


…and let us not dwell on the FAVOUR this Rocked & Fraggled person did me, by “reporting” our conversation and thus, SAVING ME THE TIME of having to inform Fiverr of his astonishing ignorance!


Let us instead, say a prayer:

God please Save Us… from the damage to the reputation of GOOD Sellers here on Fiverr… done by the Mentally Deficient sellers here on Fiverr!


And So… What can GOOD Sellers LEARN from the above two exchanges?


#1: A Buyer who asks you questions, has probably taken the time to READ YOUR GIG DESCRIPTION (trying to find the answers quickly there, first).

And we know that one of the BIGGEST SELLER COMPLAINTS, is about Buyers who don’t read their gig descriptions.

So Questions… indicate a GOOD Buyer! 🙂

#2: It is a KNOWN RULE of sales, that your BEST BUYERS are the ones who ASK YOU QUESTIONS!

Think about it.

When a prospect asks you questions, it means they are VERY INTERESTED in what you are trying to sell them. 🙂

#3: By answering a Buyer’s Questions BEFORE THEY BUY, you are preventing the case where the Buyer CANCELS, because what you are offering is NOT what they wanted.

And again, this is one of the BIGGEST SELLER COMPLAINTS.

So again… QUESTIONS… indicate a GOOD Buyer! 🙂


P.S. If you are a SMART Seller…

…please place in your comment on this Post below, your own original version of the following:

Dearest Robert,

I want to reassure you that there ARE Sellers here, who possess an IQ higher than that of PLANT LIFE.

Unlike the two examples above, I have a BRAIN… and I work hard to ensure that MY Buyers are treated with RESPECT - unlike the two examples above.

I would encourage you to click on my name, look over my profile, and check out my Gigs.

Should you find that one of my Gigs matches one of your Company’s needs, I will be glad to [something Very Funny!].

Smart Seller

P.P.S. The probability of my BUYING one of your Gigs, will be Directly Proportional to how Humorous your Comment is!



It seems to me that you are one demanding buyer for $3.92 per gig.

I would probably ignore your messages as well or block you from contacting me to save the both of us time.


Reply to @regency85: And that is why it’s not worth the time to go back and forth from 1 question to another for the $3.92 we get per gig sold.

No, I’m not joking but you don’t have to take me seriously. I’m probably not worth your time either 🙂

I’m just sharing my views since you brought this matter up.

A buyer can simply be judged from their initial message on how much they demand for from a $5 gig that they would potentially purchase.

On topic, those sellers that you’ve encountered were probably from *****//, which is pretty common here where they would hide behind the US flag to shield their identity.


Reply to @chaihock: Yes, I agree it’s pretty common to “hide” behind the US flag… and pretty sad.

As for back & forth - there was NONE.

As for “demands” - there was NONE.

All I wanted, was an answer to one, simply question.

Are you saying:

Buyers should NOT contact Sellers, NOT ask them questions but rather…

Buy the Gig, discover it’s not what they want and so, CANCEL or write a Negative Review.

That is what YOU are endorsing here. 😮


Buyers asking before buying are my favorite kind, minimizes the risk of modification requests and cancellations + this way you find out what your gig descriptions are lacking (to bad we are limited to 1200 characters).

As for support after gig completion, i doubt to many sellers offer this as eventually that would be the only thing you have time for. Naturally this depends on what type of gig we are talking about, answering a question or 2 after a gig is completed might be ok for many sellers but i wouldn’t expect free future updates if i for example hire someone to code something for me.

As a buyer i never expect to get more than 12 minutes of work done in total as that is pretty close to minimum wage in my country. In reality most sellers spend much more time than that to earn their 3.92 (i have spent up to 5 hours a couple of times to ensure i get good reviews)


Nope, I’m not endorsing anything. It’s definitely always best to contact the seller before purchasing but that is heavily dependent on the product you’re buying.

I was merely telling you the possible reason why the seller blocked you from contacting them.

They might have felt that you’re one demanding buyer that they do not wish to work with, judging from your initial message on all the “what ifs” question.


I welcome questions from buyers. I wish more would ask questions before buying so I could explain in detail what they will be getting. I also find they often purchase extras when they know what to expect from me.

I think the problem here was 1. not native english speaking sellers and

2. no customer relations skills

this is a perfect example of why everyone should ask at least one question before making a purchase here, to make sure the seller is reliable.


Reply to @chaihock: Ah, good you reversed your previous post, and clarified your position here. 🙂

In this case, my ONE & ONLY question was simple to answer: Yes, or No.

But as everyone can see from my copy & paste of the conversation above, they were just to… stupid is the only word for it… to answer a simple Yes or No question…



Reply to @mgjohn78: FINALLY… an Intelligent comment! 🙂

> Buyers asking before buying are my favorite kind, minimizes the risk of modification requests and cancellations

EXACTLY what the most SUCCESSFUL Sellers here, have been telling me since I arrived! (And posting REPEATEDLY, here on the Forum.)

Thank you John… for confirming this FACT. 🙂

> Support after completion

I agree with this also.

In my case, my ONE question was asked BEFORE completion.

However, in the other case, where a buyer asks for support AFTER completion, I think it is fair for the Seller to ask for an additional Gig purchase, if the time required to provide that post-delivery support, is more than your guideline John (of “12 minutes”).

And also, thanks you for letting us know that “12 minutes” is about $4 minimum wage, in Finland. It varies widely of course, depending upon the nation in which the Seller resides… so it’s always interesting to me to hear about the wage rates in different countries.


> In reality, most Sellers spend much more time than that to earn their (4 bucks)…

I agree again!

However, all INTELLIGENT Sellers, know that this is “part of the cost of doing business” here on Fiverr.

If you want to be a SUCCESSFUL Seller on Fiverr (a Level that only a VERY SMALL percentage of sellers ever reach!)…

…you need to provide enough in your initial Gig, to convince the BEST buyers (REPEAT BUYERS!), to re-order your Gig…

…and re-order your Gig…

…and re-order your Gig…




Reply to @misscrystal: EXCELLENT post, Miss Crystal! 🙂

> I welcome questions from buyers

Too bad there are sellers too ignorant to realize this. However, the BEST sellers know that the SMART thing to do, is to take this attitude towards pre-purchase buyer questions.

> I wish more would ask questions before buying so I could explain in detail what they will be getting

Excellent point!

> I also find they often purchase extras when they know what to expect from me

Interesting… because I, as a BIG buyer… have done exactly that!

It didn’t occur to me, until I read your excellent comment here, that yes, I have bought Extras where I did NOT intend to… simply because the Seller provided such Excellent and Comprehensive answers, to my pre-purchase Questions.

I was SO IMPRESSED by the buyer - even though I had not yet hit the BUY button - that when I DID hit the button, I also checked off EVERY Extra box they have!


> I think the problem here was… no customer relation skills…

DEFINITELY… and to put it gently… 😉 :))

> …everyone should ask at least one question before making a purchase here, to make sure the seller is reliable

To bad SOME sellers are too ignorant, to realize that if EVERY Buyer followed your recommendation here, Fiverr would be TEN TIMES BETTER… for SELLERS!


regency85 said: And also, thanks you for letting us know that "12 minutes" is about $4 minimum wage, in Finland. It varies widely of course, depending upon the nation in which the Seller resides... so it's always interesting to me to hear about the wage rates in different countries.

This is for a freelancer who pays taxes, insurance etc from their own pockets. This sums up so around 8euros per hour as personal wage from which you pay your personal taxes. (as an employee i was paid 8 euros for cleaning toilets a couple years back.)



Hi Robert,

I am a Fiverr full time seller, but I do on occasion buy gigs as well. I have been dealing with the same kind of issues with some how you say Fragelrock sellers from the other side of the world. I am pretty sure, I counted couple of additional gray hairs because of the same, no let me re-state that worst problems as discribed above.

I don’t think that I am a “difficult buyer” I think I am pretty liberal and once even accused of trying to stard a “Fiverr Union” ;-). With that said, I just want to rip of my hair sometimes. The comunication with these sellers is so bad, I think my cat speaks better english then them. I say a red ball please, they say, Madam, I will do green T-shirt, Sir!

OK, I do not expect everybody to speak well English, shoot, I dont, but if you sell something, then at least be able to answer buyers questions and deliver what you promissed you would.

I get so many emails and questions every day, It takes hour to answer them, yes. But I see it this way. If I would own a regular store, would I try to answer every prospective customers question to build up a honest and good reputation or would I be looking down on my watch and be like, Yup you had your 2 seconds, I am not getting paid and slam the door in their face? No, the heck I would not. So, why do it here.

People that only look for a quick 5$ are not taking this as a real business oportunety.

Robert, be happy you got blocked, now you can keep your 5$, because I am sure that 5$ would haven been turned into spending 50$ to get at the end what you wanted. Believe me, just been there …

regency85 said: What happens if, after I get [what he has promised to deliver], I encounter [a potential problem I can see, "down the road"]?


I think, every smart seller, should have a disclaimer to asnwer this question and to be clear. That would be good for both, buyer and seller.



"What happens if, after I get [what she has promised to deliver], I encounter [a potential problem I can see, “down the road”]?"

You’re wanting to buy 80 accounts. It sounds like you’re asking if they’ll replace the accounts (or be financially responsible) if something should happen “down the road.” You even suggest in your question that you feel an issue is likely. I’d say the most common reason bulk accounts are purchased, are for what some people may consider spam related activity. Generally, these accounts are at higher risk. I think it would be safe to assume they’re not replacing them unless the gig description states otherwise.


Reply to @typingservice: Your comment is intelligent… 🙂

…however, in a word, NO. [LOL]

My ONE question, had NOTHING to do with Refunding the Gig, or even whether or not the accounts will work.


In fact, in all my correspondence with Both IDIOT Sellers… I assumed that the accounts WOULD work.

😮 😮

So what was my question about, you ask?

I was afraid that due to the constraints of my unique (i.e. Strange) computer setup [Laugh!]…

…I might USE the accounts wrongly.

I just wanted guidance on the RIGHT way to use them.

Which appeared to be too much… for their Low IQs (or just Plain Laziness!) to deal with…

😮 😮 😮


Reply to @regency85: "Which appeared to be too much… for their Low IQs (or just Plain Laziness!) to deal with…"

What kind of accounts were you purchasing that you would need support? You could always try again. Perhaps, change your initial question. Just say more precisely what you want in a polite way. “Hello! I’m interested in your gig. The problem is I may need technical guidance on the right way to use these accounts. If I purchase them are you able to provide any support?” Even better, make it more specific. Just making this up as an example- “Hello! I’m interested in your gig. The problem is don’t know how to add proxies into my xyg software. If I purchase them are you able to provide any support?” Regardless of their proficiency in the English language, that would make it easier to quickly determine if they can help you.

Maybe you could ask your question here…


Reply to @typingservice: I WAS POLITE.

I always am. 🙂

And no, I did not need “support”.

That’s what makes this so laughable. My question, was a one-time thing.

All they had to do was answer it… and I was ready to buy!



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