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More work = more money!


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I have my first truly difficult client. Normally, they hire me for my voice, and I read them the script. This time, they send me all of their promotional material and then tell me to write it. That's fine. But then they are upset it costs more than me just doing the voiceover! And now they are very unhelpful, sending one or two word responses and not answering the questions that I ask. I certainly hope that they don't speak English very well and are unintentionally rude. I swear, my keyboard needs an eye-roll button!


I would say your 'client' is trying to use you. If you do not have an order, I would block them quickly!
If they have already booked the gig, say, "Any increase in the scope of work requires a corresponding increase in budget and schedule." Then stick to that. If they want to cancel, you go to CS and ask to cancel it without affecting your stats, as the buyer wants more work than is offered in your gig.


I feel your pain. Always use boundaries and limitations. If a client is unreasonable, cut your ties with them quickly. 

Losing a bad client is better than being stressed all of the time. Value mental health over money.


My favourite part was when I asked if I should use the website in the script, and the answer was... 45. I am guessing that there is a language barrier. The order is done now though, and I won't work with them again!


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