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How much time it will take to get my first order on Fiverr?


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I am a content writer and copywriter. I joined Fiverr 3 weeks back. I have made some gigs and published them. Gig image, description, title and tags are also fine. But I am still not getting any impressions. I don't know where am I lacking? Please guide me. I can't illustrate my writing skills until I get an order. What should I do?


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You're not lacking anything. It all comes down to how many people there are on Fiverr offering writing services...

Just in articles and blog posts alone you can find a ton of services already


And that's one sub-category when it comes to writing. So it's easy to see Fiverr's algorithm has a hard time offering everyone exposure. I am a writer myself, I've been here since January 2014, and even in my case there are harsh times when it comes to orders. So everyone is affected, but especially newer people coming right now have to face thousands and thousands of newcomers. I can't verify this obviously, but I am pretty sure you have a few dozen writing services added on a daily basis, maybe more. So just imagine how many people expect their gigs to receive great ranking and a lot of views. Add to that gigs that already receive sales and rank higher so you can see how hard it is to receive orders and grow your account these days. And yes, it will only get harder.

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well, in my own perspective, i will advice you to make sure you're always online. 

there are situation when buyers are looking for buyers to buy from then they'll apply the filter i.e they choose buyers that are online and then they'll choose form one and buy. 

Secondly, i'll want you to advise you to work on your gig pricing, most buyers select from the "standard' section, so, maker sure you put your all on your standard section by doing this, i think your chances of getting your first order will be big.

lastly, continue to send your bids, make sure you complete your 10 offers every blessed day and by doing this, with patience, you will receive your order. 

hope this helps?

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5 hours ago, beautiful_art0 said:

well, in my own perspective, i will advice you to make sure you're always online. 


That's useless and won't make any difference. 

5 hours ago, beautiful_art0 said:

most buyers select from the "standard' section,

Again not true. Most buyers choose the cheapest option actually, at least in my case. But in general, you can't say they pick one over the other. Every person has their own needs and requirements.

5 hours ago, beautiful_art0 said:

continue to send your bids, make sure you complete your 10 offers

Buyer requests are mostly a cesspool. Of course he can try, but most buyers there try to take advantage of newcomers and you're doing 10 times the work in the end for $5.

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6 hours ago, beautiful_art0 said:

well, in my own perspective, i will advice you to make sure you're always online. 

there are situation when buyers are looking for buyers to buy from then they'll apply the filter i.e they choose buyers that are online and then they'll choose form one and buy. 

Secondly, i'll want you to advise you to work on your gig pricing, most buyers select from the "standard' section, so, maker sure you put your all on your standard section by doing this, i think your chances of getting your first order will be big.

lastly, continue to send your bids, make sure you complete your 10 offers every blessed day and by doing this, with patience, you will receive your order. 

hope this helps?

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30 minutes ago, ashraf5656 said:

Your Answer Is Best

Because it says people should always be online? Check the forum and you will see this myth was busted thousands of times. But if people want to sit in front of a computer waiting, go ahead. You're not wasting my time 🙂

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21 minutes ago, donnovan86 said:

Because it says people should always be online? Check the forum and you will see this myth was busted thousands of times. But if people want to sit in front of a computer waiting, go ahead. You're not wasting my time 🙂

Actually it's happening because of the time distance. In Asian Country, we have to be online at night when its time to sleep. We sleep in day but keep awake at night because in US that's the day time. It's the golden time for us to get orders cause clients filters the online sellers specially if it's new seller. 

Hope you'll understand the myth about being online.

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38 minutes ago, khadizayaan said:

In Asian Country, we have to be online at night when its time to sleep.

You don't have to be online. Create a great gig and show value, customers will come to you at any time. Just because you are online that doesn't guarantee any sales.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I also want to know. I am a graphic designer. I publish two gig on my fiverr account. I got some impression. But don't get any order. 

I got a buyer request yesterday.  But , unfortunately for my personal problem,,, I cann't contact with the buyer.


I have a request to my expert bothers & sisters, how can I get my first order from fiverr?

Please help me.

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Hi there!

I got my first order within a week of creating my account and Within 4 days of uploading my gig. I do not know how I got the first order so soon.

I want say you that if your gigs do not get any impression, you should check first what if your gig appears in search results.

You can check you gig status from the link below:




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I don't think you're doing anything wrong, the thing fiverr is highly competitive and there are alot of experts and experienced freelancer to contend with, my advice though is to be consistent keep bidding for jobs, build a portfolio outside fiverr and most importantly when you get your first order make sure by all means you give the best. 

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Well, there are many terms to get the first order. As long as you are new seller so it's a bit challenging but you can create a good roll into it. Try to research your competitors gig, their gig images, prices, descriptions and every sort of things. Be active as much as you can, send buyer requests(convince through it why you are the best for that job), share your gigs on social media, manage order from those platforms. 

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On 3/11/2022 at 9:59 AM, shara_bd said:

Hi there!

I got my first order within a week of creating my account and Within 4 days of uploading my gig. I do not know how I got the first order so soon.

I want say you that if your gigs do not get any impression, you should check first what if your gig appears in search results.

You can check you gig status from the link below:




I click your share link after i saw my gig. What is mean it?

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There's so much bad advice given here, I can't even believe it. Why give advice if you're not sure if it's valid? Would be so helpful if there was a moderator here who deleted posts that give misinformation to legitimate questions. Make every post have only helpful answers. Or just automatically hide posts that get lots of downvotes.

For example, being online 24/7 will not make you get your order faster. And I have seen multiple people who have mentioned sending lots of buyer requests and getting into trouble for it, but no one can really verify if that was the reason, or if they were contacting people via inbox instead. Still, I'd avoid sending too many requests per day.

But you might have the same issue as many others, including me, where your gig is placed too far in the search results. Nothing you do in that case increase your impressions if all the keyword work is done already. But keeping hope up and maintaining excellent seller performance is never a bad idea.

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