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This post was recognized by frank_d!

"Congratulations! Onwards and upwards!"

gajuseidi was awarded the badge 'Great Content' and 50 points.

Today is the 25th of February and it marks exactly one year since I created my seller account on Fiverr. I thought it would be a good opportunity to reflect on this journey and share my experience with you. ✍️

After setting up my profile and my first gig, it took me about two weeks to receive my first order. To my surprise, the client wasn‘t exactly asking for what I was offering, but after some researching and trying different things, I managed to find a solution and deliver what they needed. This order as well as a few others made me realize that there‘s demand for a service that I could provide but wasn‘t focusing on. I changed my gig entirely, started learning additional software, and polished my profile regularly. 👷‍♂️




As you can see from my analytics, in the first three months (starting on February) I was barely getting any orders or making money.  In fact, I was at a loss, since I invested in different software which would enable me to deliver my orders to a higher standard. ⬆️

In June, orders seemed to pick up a bit and in August I earned more than a minimum wage in Lithuania while working on Fiverr part-time. This was a great achievement for me and proof that Fiverr has the potential to be a substantial income stream if utilized correctly. 💼

In the same month, I received my first negative review, followed by a second negative review on the same day. I was distraught. I turned to the forum and found great advice from experienced sellers on how to act in this situation. My overall review score dropped to 4.7 and for the next two months, I felt the consequences of that day. 📉 Needless to say, it was a learning experience.


In October, I managed to climb back to a 4.9 review score, in November my gig was chosen for a Fiverr's choice badge and in December I reached level 2 and had the most successful month up to this day. 🚀




In early January I uploaded a video to my gig. I felt confident that I can offer a better quality service than most of my competitors and raised my prices. I let my returning clients know that their next order would be discounted to make the transition a bit smoother. 🧈

Right now I‘m finishing up my main gig (designing a portfolio PDF for the gig gallery) and slowly working on additional gigs. My plan for this year is to further develop my skills, do lots and lots of market research, and have at least 3 fully fleshed-out gigs by the end. ✔️

Throughout this journey, I was an active member of the forum and it has been an invaluable experience for me. From dealing with difficult clients to mental health issues, I knew that there would be people here who are willing to help and give advice. For that, I am very grateful and I hope we can continue the meaningful conversation going despite the problems this forum has been facing. 💖

Overall, Fiverr has been a great experience so far and I get excited thinking of ways I can and will improve. I still have lots to learn, but for some reason, I feel calm about the future. 😎

Do you guys have interesting stories from your own time on the platform? I would be very curious to learn how you got started, grew, and achieved the goals you set out for yourselves. 😉


Here‘s to our future goals and achievements! 🏆


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This is so inspirational, especially for a newbie. Seeing that amount of success after a slightly unfortunate start certainly puts a lot into perspective. I'm glad to see you've come out so well after this year and your learning experiences! Much luck with your future endeavors and congratulations! 😄 

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On 2/24/2022 at 7:53 PM, matveydubishkin said:

Nice, now how i can get my first order?...

Getting straight to the point, I see. First off, this topic is not about getting your first order. There is plenty of information on the forum about what to focus on when you first start out on the platform. Secondly, I've checked your posts and saw that @imagination7413 has replied to you with some useful information, which you don't seem to even have bothered to read. Something tells me that whatever answer I 'd give you would be of no use.

On 2/25/2022 at 2:10 AM, kklothh said:

This is so inspirational, especially for a newbie. Seeing that amount of success after a slightly unfortunate start certainly puts a lot into perspective. I'm glad to see you've come out so well after this year and your learning experiences! Much luck with your future endeavors and congratulations! 😄

Thank you, I'm glad you found it useful. 😊 I always enjoy reading stories of other sellers as well. I find a lot of inspiration there and also feel better prepared for the inevitable hiccups that await along the way. Best of luck on your journey as well!

On 2/25/2022 at 5:02 AM, aarontgladiator said:

Genuinely impressive how you've been so successful even though you joined Fiverr pretty late compared to other people. This is literal proof that you CAN still succeed on Fiverr.

While there are many sellers who are wildly more successful than me, I do take pride in my progress. I think it's really important to take a step back and evaluate your own situation as accurately as possible. I found a bit of success on the platform and I think the course of action is to only build on that. 

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On 2/25/2022 at 5:59 AM, gajuseidi said:

d it marks exactly one year since I created my seller account on Fiverr. I thought it would be a good opportunity to reflect on this journey and share my experience

Great man!! Your journey has been fantastic. Keep growing. You are like an inspiration. 

I am a new seller and trying to get the first impressions. Sometimes it feels that I have spent so much time creating the gig, I have desired skill too. But, still I am not getting orders. But then I feel that I should stay patient. Kudos to you!! 🥰

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On 2/26/2022 at 7:54 AM, jyalapawan said:

Great man!! Your journey has been fantastic. Keep growing. You are like an inspiration. 

I am a new seller and trying to get the first impressions. Sometimes it feels that I have spent so much time creating the gig, I have desired skill too. But, still I am not getting orders. But then I feel that I should stay patient. Kudos to you!! 🥰

Thank you, you're very kind. Honestly, I don't think you can spend too much time on your gig 😄 seems like there's always something to optimize or improve. Be patient, but be proactive, you'll get there. 👍

On 2/26/2022 at 11:55 AM, rosebarlow said:

Congratulations! This was an interesting read. I wish I had done a post like this for my first year!

Thank you. I'm sure an established seller such as yourself could tell a great story. If you decide to do a post like this, I would be interested.

23 hours ago, nikandco said:

@gajuseidiThanks for being so honest and open about your experience! I hope new sellers see this, and are inspired to do their own research and learn as much as they can to help their businesses grow 😉

Thank you for your kind words, Nik. I wrote this post for everyone as much as for myself. It's helpful to look back, remember my own struggles and understand my own strengths and weaknesses. If new sellers can take one thing away from this is that that you have to put in work. Doesn't matter what service you provide, where you start or what your circumstances are, you have to put in work. It seems elementary, but I see countless new sellers who would rather refresh their Fiverr profile twenty four hours a day and pray to their favorite God than put any real effort into their skills and knowledge.

14 hours ago, nft_god1 said:

Congratulations sir sir,

Can you please share some tips on how you got back and git the fiverr choice badge when you received your negative re views?

I'd be happy if you can do that.


Hi Tia,

I will have to disappoint you, but I don't have any tips. After receiving those reviews, I analyzed my own mistakes and tried to fix them (which included overhauling my gigs and working on my communication). While the Fiverr's choice badge does take seller's metrics into consideration, I also got lucky.

14 hours ago, shahadatsajib said:

the negative review was great barrier to your initial struggle 🙂

It definitely was a bumpy ride, can't argue with that 😄

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On 3/6/2022 at 5:22 PM, thiagodematos said:

This is truly amazing. I realized that Fiverr rewards consistency. After a while, everything becomes a snowball, and after that things just take off. Cheers!

I would agree, as with everything, consistency tends to be key. I am experiencing some turbulence at the moment, but that has also something to do with the fact that I only have one gig which is bringing in clients. Still need some time to build a stronger foundation with additional gigs, but focusing a lot on one gig doesn't seem to be a bad idea in the beginning. Best of luck on your journey!

On 3/7/2022 at 8:44 PM, foxxys_ said:

Congratulations!! I am also new on fiverr, I start this experience today. Your post gives me hope ^^

Thank you. I've checked your seller profile, you have some beautiful art going on there! Best of luck on your journey.

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Congratulations on your first year of success on Fiverr! As you celebrate this milestone, I wish you continued growth and prosperity in your career on this platform. May your talent and hard work continue to attract many satisfied customers who appreciate your skills and expertise.

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