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First order delivery and redeliver


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I completed and delivered my first order two days ago then the buyer requested a revision the day after. He didn't accept the order so I delivered again and now I see that it says that I'm out of time and my delivery date has changed. Does this mean that my order is now late? I'm still waiting to hear from the buyer. Any feedback?

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Hi. I came here with basically the same question. My first order was completed a day and a half before the due date, but the buyer requested a revision, and stated that they didn't mind how long it took. I got the revision to them 6 hours after the deadline. So getting the first delivery in on time stands as long as the buyer approved it? I wasn't sure if that's what you meant. It's my first order and I want to start in a good place, and the buyer has been very cool and has told me they want to work with me again.

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