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Once again Fiverr lets the buyer win, and does not care about the seller.


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Once again fiverr's customer support does nothing to help the seller out. Here is my story sorry if its long I have all the pictures of the buyer lying and deceiving me and then writing a review that clearly was a lie and not fact since i told him in conversation the service as described. Then all of the bullshit customer support said with half of their automated messages. All I wanted is a lie of a review to get off of my account. I'm not gonna make this any longer than it already is so just look at all the pictures I screenshot they should be in order from the evidence to what CS had to say. PLEASE HELP

Thanks for whoever took the time to read everything and hopefully this post gets traction.


PS: Yes the manager is an automated message and sent the same thing twice you can see by the time stamps
















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I know you are frustrated but I also will be on the side of CS on this. 
“was okay. Didn’t understand what I needed despite it being pretty simple” as a review doesn’t violate any fiverr rules and I don’t see “lies” there as you state. 

Also even if you write in your description to contact you fiverr platform is made to place direct orders and that’s why it’s important to have clear packages with the right prices. 

You also will need to remove the buyers name from your post. as it’s against forum rules to call out people. 

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First off I forgot that the pictures displayed the persons account name and I do not know how to take a post down to re-upload the post with the named blacked out so if you know how please let me know. This was not intentional and happened by mistake.

Secondly, I clearly state in the comments that they bought the wrong gig and the gig that they needed to buy was $45-$75 dollars so how can they allow the user to write a review that states Service as Describe was a 3 when in fact I describe the service they bought and the service they needed to buy. Not only this but I had put in a customer service ticket to cancel the order before I was tricked into given a product so shouldn't that say something or have any effect on this?

Lastly the Customer service was clearly not answering some of the questions I asked like, "How can I prevent this from happening again?" and how my inbox response rate went down to 98% after this person messaged me and then I had blocked them so that should not effect my inbox response rate. They said nothing to solve that as well.

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24 minutes ago, goobzz said:

I clearly state in the comments that they bought the wrong gig and the gig that they needed to buy was $45-$75 dollars so how can they allow the user to write a review that states Service as Describe was a 3


24 minutes ago, goobzz said:

I was tricked into given a product so shouldn't that say something or have any effect on this?

Nope, that wouldn’t have any effect on this, that’s a review on customer experience and they don’t say anything about the package they chose. 
answering your question on how to prevent it: don’t deliver orders if client ordered wrong package 😉 either upgrade with an extra added to the order or wait for it to cancel. 

from the point when you delivered your work (even if it was the wrong package) clients can rate their experience on how THEY felt it went, and it was quite confusing from your end to be honest. As a client I also would’ve been confused, you say that you can’t deliver and want to cancel, then you suddenly deliver the order apologising for confusion and delivering only the head of the dragon (so was it the wrong order or did you just deliver something that they didn’t order?). You see, that’s all pretty confusing from your end and that’s what your customer complained about in their review. 

Next time just don’t proceed to do the work. 

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Whatever kinda despicable shouldn't be able to write a review especially because the gig he purchased was not intended for the delivery he got and yes I should have never delivered but I am new and tried to fix the situation like fiverr policy says and get punished for that. It is a lose lose no matter what I cancel an order and that comes out on my gig or I don't and delivery and the person gets to write a review that I clearly stated was the wrong service and he needed to buy the right service. Just kinda disrespectful if you ask me.

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