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Fiverr - New Seller Guidelines


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Hi to all the hustlers out there! 

I am Mourvi, am a Newbie to fiverr and wanted to know some tips for getting orders as a beginner. I have created gigs for which I can deliver my services. I have researched everywhere that gigs plays a very crucial role in receiving that first order as well as SEO. Can someone please check my gigs ? Are they appropriate? Please provide your valuable feedback. That will be a great help. Thanks. 


Username: mourvi_

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The gigs seem okay mostly. Though I don't think any have an FAQ - you could add one to them. There might be a bit too much text on a couple of the gig's main images for them to be quickly read in search results.

For your "I will do your handwritten assignment work or project" gig - I'd make sure it's okay with Fiverr's rules. Editing it would still leave the URL as it is though, so if what's in the URL isn't okay, deleting the gig and creating a new one could be an option. If it's not okay with Fiverr rules, leaving it might risk an account warning.

You could check this link to see what's allowed: https://www.fiverr.com/support/articles/360020869658-Academic-services-on-Fiverr---The-Dos-and-Donts?segment=buyer

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