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Calling on the artists here!~ Would love to see what you've got to show.


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5 hours ago, zeus777 said:

I CANNOT use the sewing machine so I did this all by hand, and I'm quite proud!

That's quite the accomplishment! Very impressive. Can I be proud of you? Or is that too weird?


Do/can these count? I made custom fan-role emoji for a Discord server. Yeah they're near-impossible to read at the reaction size, but they are all distinct enough at that size that they serve their purpose for the server.


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10 hours ago, gajuseidi said:

Your portraits are quite skillfully drawn, well done!

Thank you.

10 hours ago, gajuseidi said:

My favorite would also have to be the Girl in the Shadows”. The inverted drawing technique is quite difficult to get the hang of and I think you managed to control the shading really well. The strong contrast gives your drawing depth and the dramatic gaze tells us a story that we can interpret in our own way.

I enjoyed creating that portrait too. You're right, not at all easy. 😉 But I often enjoy a good, unique, challenge. I wanted the portrait to have a clearly drawn look, but a digital finalization (via the inverted result). Most people seem to be even more fascinated when they realize how the portrait was created.

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Guest ruthsalmun
On 2/19/2022 at 2:04 PM, sesoru said:

Wow! You have so many skills it seems. This is really cool as everyone else has said. IDK much about sewing or kimono making, but to me this looks amazing! And yea I also really like that pattern. It is really nice.

Hey you seem to be doing very well! And it's good to be conscious of where your skill level lies + where you need to work on, but also being able to acknowledge your strong points is good too! I think you're on the right track for sure, especially if you're producing that type of work ^^ If you do more, definitely share if you're up to it ❤️

Definitely will. Right now I'm working on a new character design, but it's a very ambitious project. Hopefully it will go great.

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9 hours ago, sesoru said:

These are all great. I think my favorite is the first due to the simplicity of it, yet how elegant and refined it is. The others are also great too though. Very good stuff.

Thanks and yes first is simple lineart and it is replica of original dancing pose of client

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12 hours ago, sesoru said:

Woah.... so the whole thing is done in 3d? Everything looks so real O_O Very cool

Thanks, the object is a 3D object, I just filmed my desk with my phone and then I applied a motion tracking process to follow camera moovements in real life and bind it to a virtual camera with a virtual object, so the virtual camera applies same moovements as real camera and I just have to put my scene with the object in transparent alpha background and export it, and then I combine my real life footage and put the virtual one above, so the object+virtual camera moovement rotating around and real life footage fit together.
I did some compositing to match my room's lighting to adapt real life to virtual, did some color corrections and voilà.

Edited by psykkopatte
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12 minutes ago, psykkopatte said:

Thanks, the object is a 3D object, I just filmed my desk with my phone and then I applied a motion tracking process to follow camera moovements in real life and bind it to a virtual camera with a virtual object, so the virtual camera applies same moovements as real camera and I just have to put my scene with the object in transparent alpha background and export it, and then I combine my real life footage and put the virtual one above, so the object+virtual camera moovement rotating around and real life footage fit together.
I did some compositing to match my room's lighting to adapt real life to virtual, did some color corrections and voilà.

Wow that is really cool. I love that the item integrates so well with the real environment to the point it has me questioning if what I'm seeing is not real because it just looks so smooth. I love it.

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29 minutes ago, sesoru said:

Wow that is really cool. I love that the item integrates so well with the real environment to the point it has me questioning if what I'm seeing is not real because it just looks so smooth. I love it.

the only unreal thing is the object, they use the same process for movies in studios like star wars, avengers etc when they film actors on a green screen and set a virtual world and objects around them.

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On 2/22/2022 at 3:47 AM, psykkopatte said:

the only unreal thing is the object, they use the same process for movies in studios like star wars, avengers etc when they film actors on a green screen and set a virtual world and objects around them.

Yea that makes sense. Technology is cool af! But still very crafty that it was integrated so cleanly. I've always found this sort of thing to be quite intriguing.

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On 2/2/2022 at 1:20 PM, sesoru said:

Anyone wanna drop their stuff here to show off? I love looking at art! I would love to see what all of you guys here are able to do - and not just drawing or illustration but photography and music too! Or whatever else you might consider art. I wanna see it all ^_^


Thought that I might join and show off a bit, even though I'm not used to it haha. Even though I've been drawing for ages, I've discovered only recently that  half-b&w half-coloured portraits are my thing. I'm not the first to do that but, hey, they're fun to make!



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On 2/28/2022 at 4:06 AM, luisa_sa said:


Thought that I might join and show off a bit, even though I'm not used to it haha. Even though I've been drawing for ages, I've discovered only recently that  half-b&w half-coloured portraits are my thing. I'm not the first to do that but, hey, they're fun to make!


It's kind of funny how we can do art for decades and still not be sure what direction we want to take, or what we find most entertaining as a subject or as materials. I think it's great to find these types of surprises that re invigorate your spirit to create. These are lovely! Thank you for sharing ❤️

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7 hours ago, gongor32 said:

Sometimes I want to go beyond what clients want.
Improve on design, color scheme etc... Luckily client seems to be liked her color scheme and dress.  

This is really cool visually. I love the color theme as well, and I like your choices in a lot of the areas for the highlights to make things pop! I especially love the detail of her face. Overall, I think the soft shading mixed with the harder highlights works really lovely.

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18 minutes ago, bedger said:

Thank you, I like your work, make me happy.

That's very kind of you! ^_^ Thank you as well ❤️ If you'd like to drop more stuff, feel free to share it with all of us here. 

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12 hours ago, sesoru said:

It's kind of funny how we can do art for decades and still not be sure what direction we want to take, or what we find most entertaining as a subject or as materials. I think it's great to find these types of surprises that re invigorate your spirit to create. These are lovely! Thank you for sharing ❤️

Yes, exactly! I've been told that realistic and hyperrealistic portraits are somewhat 'pointless' because a photo does the same work, so by giving them an half-finished look I want to demonstrate that they aren't pointless at all!

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