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Ranked gig fall to nowhere!


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Hello guys, 

My gig has over 180 positive reviews and it was ranked into the first page and first line. Suddenly yesterday my gig rank fall. And it's not even visible into the first 20 pages of the search results. It never happend to me before. I'm worried about what happen suddenly. 

My gig has over 20k impressions in last 15 days with the avg of 800+ impressions a day. And today i got only 100 impressions and i think it'll go down more. 

Do you guys have any idea why this happen and how i can recover it!

NB: On of my another gig was also in the first page and 2nd line. That was also fall and showing into the last page of the search result, where those gigs has no reviews but i have over 50 reviews on that gig! 

Even all of my gig is not promotable. It was performing promoted gig properly before the gig ranked. But after the rank fall i see All of the gig showing "Not Promotable" and "This Gig will start promoting once it’s back to being promotable." Image attached. 

Please help me guys 🥺


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Yeah this sounds familiar. Something similar happened to me twice in the last year. Not sure why. Everything is running smoothly and no change in stats. Buyers are very happy with every single order and a lot tips from them too. Kind of annoying to see your gig performance drop with no reason at all. But I believe everything will be good soon. :_)

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