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Why cancelling an order affect my gig statics eventhough its a problem from the client not me ?


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  I requested from a client to cancel the order, cause he kept asking for alot of work and just wants me to do it all for free, at the begging he requested designs that were like a package ( cd tshirt, picture album ) he kept adding new stuff but i said Aslan it's ok , try to make him so satisfied, i made a disound and worked in a price that I was not proud of, but said it's ok just do it so you will improve your portfolio and also my goals were to have as much clents as possible in 2022, at the end I realized that this guy keeps requesting edits after he approved a design ( more than 10 ) once I charge him he refuses, so I made a dispute to cancel the order, my question is why would this affect my gig statics if its a problem from the client not me, yes it was cancelled but the problem wasnot from me (i made the dispute ), i wish there will be a solution to this so it wonot decreases the impressions of my gigs, thanks   

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On 1/6/2022 at 8:25 AM, aslanstores said:

my question is why would this affect my gig statics

Because you went about cancelling this order all wrong. Likely, you have no idea what you should have done, so I will explain so that in the future, you may be able to save yourself some grief as well as your analytics.

When you have a buyer like you mentioned, who is battering you for free work, telling you it would improve your portfolio and you thinking this would somehow get you more buyers in 2022 - this is when you need to contact Customer Service and ask them to cancel the order for you due to the reasons above, so that it will not affect your statistics.

By taking it upon yourself to cancel the order, the system has no idea that it was due to the bad behavior of the buyer - all it knows is that you wanted to cancel.

Next time, have customer service intervene for you. I have had to do this a few times.


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