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Audio not working after download


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See what app he's playing the file in. Get him to check the volume level in that.

Maybe the volume level is set okay for him in the browser he is using but not in the app he's using to play the downloaded file.

Check the operating system being used. If it's in Windows 10 you could also get them to check the Volume Mixer (eg. right click on the sound icon, select "Open Volume Mixer" and check/adjust the level for the device & app being used to play it.

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Also, they can download the file, right-click it, and try to "open with" and select a different program, e.g., Windows media player.

If the hear it in the preview, clearly the audio is there. So, this is one of those unfortunate cases where the customer is having a technical issue, most likely not related to you, but is asking you the help solve it.

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45 minutes ago, dakotadoty said:

If the file size is too great, then the video will have issues with playback and sound.

Though I assume it's that the bitrate was too high for your computer to play it smoothly rather than the total file size being too big. Maybe it depends on the codec too (how well your system can easily decode it).

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