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Can I ask clients to be a guest on my podcast?


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If Fiverr didn't have the rule about taking Buyers off the platform...

This is a common practice in the business world, and is normally mutually beneficial for both parties. Collaborations and guests are great, especially for fans. Some of my favorite YouTube channels do this. King of Random and Backyard Scientist, Adam Savage Tested and Stand-up Maths, Mark Rober and Jim Browning, Odd Ones Out and Jaden Animations...

But, there's that pesky ToS.

  • "To protect our users' privacy, user identities are kept anonymous. Requesting or providing Email addresses, s***e/IM usernames, telephone numbers or any other personal contact details to communicate outside of Fiverr in order to circumvent or abuse the Fiverr messaging system or Fiverr platform is not permitted."
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20 hours ago, imagination7413 said:

If Fiverr didn't have the rule about taking Buyers off the platform...

This is a common practice in the business world, and is normally mutually beneficial for both parties. Collaborations and guests are great, especially for fans. Some of my favorite YouTube channels do this. King of Random and Backyard Scientist, Adam Savage Tested and Stand-up Maths, Mark Rober and Jim Browning, Odd Ones Out and Jaden Animations...

But, there's that pesky ToS.

How about if seller could find it outside fiverr? Is it still break ToS?

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4 hours ago, johanessurya said:

How about if seller could find it outside fiverr?

You do realize that if anyone answers this with 'sure' they're putting themselves at risk, right?

Unless a person is well-known enough to garner recognition elsewhere, or always signs up with the exact same username or signature and wants to be recognized, finding someone from one platform on a completely separate one and contacting them can be considered stalker-like and creepy.

Using the OP for example, if those authors publish and include an invitation to contact them, or announce they're doing a book signing, that's probably a good indication that they'd be willing to do something like an interview podcast, but they would need to be contacted through those provided channels. If someone is publishing under a pseudonym, and/or never shows their face to the fans, it's a good indication to leave them ALONE.

Critical thinking skills and discernment. And proactively considering possible consequences.

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Are there any rules against having a gig where you interview customers for your podcast as a service? Seems like it would be a great advertisement for a lot of authors. You could make the price prohibitively high so you don't get crappy authors, make it clear in the gig that the podcast is about a specific topic and not to order if they don't match with it, and then offer a really nice discount through Seller Plus for customers you like?

Just thinking outside the box. Not sure if paying for a spot on a podcast is against TOS or not.

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