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Wanted to know an important answer from Fiverr people!



hello Fiverr peoples,

i really want to know that, why seller always used to send buyer request to sellers? Maximum time, i see seller request whenever i about to send buyer request. Is there any secret reason behind this ? why does they do this thing?

Should we also do this like they are doing or not ? If we do such thing, would be any effect to out Fiverr account or not?

want some valuable answer from experts!


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3 answers to this question

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14 minutes ago, badsha1992 said:

I understand what about you saying . seller doing it I also facing this type of seller  issues. they do it because of profile view and earn clicks for ranking just, but its on kinds of spamming. its wrong idea. fiverr doesn't allow any fake thinks.  🙂 

yeah right you got me.

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