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How long does it take for the the $ to clear?


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I just started Jan 4th, and I have orders since then. I have $156 which none of that I can take out… Some of them say Clearing and some Upcoming. How long does it take to clear?

Also if I sent my gig out to the buyer, is that when I am almost (yes almost because if they are a scammer with a stolen credit card your order is “cancelled” as happened to me already) guaranteed for pay? In other words, at what point am I guaranteed that payment?

Thank you!



That can’t happen on Fiverr. (That’s why there’s a hold, to clear Pay-Pal).


To answer.

14-17 days. If the buyer marks your order as complete as soon as you are done, 14 days. If the buyer doesn’t mark it as complete, and the system does it automatically in 3 days, then 17 days.


What can’t happen? They even messaged me about the incident and appologized stating twice that it rarely ever happens. So yes, it certainly did happen.

Thank you for your answer.


And if you are reffering to “guaranteed payment” I said “almost” guaranteed.

Tnx again, glad to know that even if they dont mark it as complete the system will do it. That’s great news!



Reply to @bigbadbilly:

Yes that it the official Fiverr process. But unfortunately, sometimes there are delays in the shifts in the order statuses !

Support has not confirmed this as a bug, but every so often Orders are stuck in their current status.


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