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Client blackmailing and abuse of the system. "Cancel or I will rate 0"


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Hello, I am really upset with the situation i have faced yesterday and today.
I am well reputated mql5 developer and i have completed hundreds of the jobs. I have a vision about flawless delivery and i do my best even going beyond with the requirements to make sure all my clients got what they wanted at the end.
This was the original requirement of a client :


After job is started within an hour, here how he started his blackmails for going out of the scope and requesting new addons by threatening of cancellation and rating 0. Due to my stats would be destroyed from the gig with cancellation, I denied of cancellation and agreed on extra job.

At the end i got him all delivered with adittional and silly requests like this :



Here he requested all source files and codes here :


After he got all he needed he stated an issue related to another platform. I offered him virtual desk support to make the setup and make sure it works. But his attidue was as following :

This was my response and he sent me his review through my inbox. 9.png.878fb475f3a2a771cfb62506e607a450.png


I keep insisting to find a ways support but job is marked as complete from him and then i got this in to my inbox.


So what did i do wrong ? Now i got left with 1 star review while i have made more work and actually attempted to provide all support i could. I have written this to the support but i am very concerned about the result.

This is psychological abuse and calling someone is a "chancer" is a real insult.

  • quantsfx changed the title to Client blackmailing and abuse of the system. "Cancel or I will rate 0"

When the buyer kept threatening negative reviews it might have been better to cancel and report the buyer.

But your gig seems to be about creating trading indicators. I'm not sure that is allowed. So if Fiverr support think the gig isn't allowed maybe it could be denied or maybe you could get in trouble for offering a disallowed service.

See: https://www.fiverr.com/community/standards/prohibited-services


Do not offer or ask for:

  • Services that require getting access to the buyer’s sensitive financial information.

  • Opening, managing, or implementing changes in a financial account. 

  • Providing loans.

  • Trading signals or indicators.


I would normally say you deserve to get paid for the work you did and if you delivered as described and agreed on. And you can also ask Customer Support to look into the order if the discussion gets out of hand. But as mentioned above, it seems as though you are offering a service that's prohibited. So if that is indeed prohibited that may also affect your gig or even your profile.



19 minutes ago, uk1000 said:

When the buyer kept threatening negative reviews it might have been better to cancel and report the buyer.

But your gig seems to be about creating trading indicators. I'm not sure that is allowed. So if Fiverr support think the gig isn't allowed maybe it could be denied or maybe you could get in trouble for offering a disallowed service.

See: https://www.fiverr.com/community/standards/prohibited-services


I don't think this service is prohibited because mql4 and mql5 service is allowed and i am creating user's requests of trading ea and indicators. There is many top rated sellers with the same service of mql4 and mql5 EA - Indicators. I think the prohibited Trading signals and indicators are meaning for the trade management or providing such signals to the clients using indicators for investment advice that can cause them any loss. You can see the same type of services under the mql4 and mt4 search category. So what i am doing is simply creating the required algorithm that is given to me by the client. 


13 minutes ago, theratypist said:

I would normally say you deserve to get paid for the work you did and if you delivered as described and agreed on. And you can also ask Customer Support to look into the order if the discussion gets out of hand. But as mentioned above, it seems as though you are offering a service that's prohibited. So if that is indeed prohibited that may also affect your gig or even your profile.

Thank you. It is not a prohibited service. Do you have any experience what happening for such clients then they threate and abuse with zero rating ? He allso used such word a "chancer" in his review. It is very frustrating that there is no way out. Wheter i left with cancellation and bad stats or a bad review because i denied the cancellation. Is there any chance that the review is violating the terms and it will be removed because of the insult ?

1 minute ago, quantsfx said:

Thank you. It is not a prohibited service. Do you have any experience what happening for such clients then they threate and abuse with zero rating ? He allso used such word a "chancer" in his review. It is very frustrating that there is no way out. Wheter i left with cancellation and bad stats or a bad review because i denied the cancellation. Is there any chance that the review is violating the terms and it will be removed because of the insult ?

I see. I haven't experienced working with a client that threatens with a poor rating. But yes I've read in the forum about instances that Fiverr removing ratings if it violates Fiverr's Term of Service. You have to discuss and show the screenshots that you delivered as agreed, explain that the buyer was asking beyond the scope of the order, threatened you with a poor rating. Customer Support will be the only able to decide what happens beyond that.


Reviews are subjective opinions based on individual preference, and, unfortunately, you can't please every buyer 100% of the time. Unless a review specifically violates Fiverr’s Terms of Service, it can't be removed. 


Withholding the delivery of services, files, or information required to complete the Gig’s service with the intent to gain favorable reviews or additional services is prohibited.



  • Leaving a Buyer's feedback is a basic prerogative of a Buyer. Feedback reviews will not be removed unless there are clear violations of our Terms of Service and/or our Community Standards.
3 minutes ago, surajkartha said:

Try reaching out to customer support and send them the screenshots and see if they can do anything to help you. Besides that there isn't much that anyone can do I guess.. 

I know 😞 its very frustrating and demoralizing. I hope the insult is against their policies and that review can be removed.

2 minutes ago, theratypist said:

I see. I haven't experienced working with a client that threatens with a poor rating. But yes I've read in the forum about instances that Fiverr removing ratings if it violates Fiverr's Term of Service. You have to discuss and show the screenshots that you delivered as agreed, explain that the buyer was asking beyond the scope of the order, threatened you with a poor rating. Customer Support will be the only able to decide what happens beyond that.


Reviews are subjective opinions based on individual preference, and, unfortunately, you can't please every buyer 100% of the time. Unless a review specifically violates Fiverr’s Terms of Service, it can't be removed. 


Withholding the delivery of services, files, or information required to complete the Gig’s service with the intent to gain favorable reviews or additional services is prohibited.



  • Leaving a Buyer's feedback is a basic prerogative of a Buyer. Feedback reviews will not be removed unless there are clear violations of our Terms of Service and/or our Community Standards.

I am greatful for your response. In the terms of service its written as following :



So, Actually calling a developer "chancer" must violate that. Is there any clear definition ? Any experienced programmer of mql5 can agree that i made high quality delivery and the rating have not anything to do with the requirement.

1 minute ago, quantsfx said:

So, Actually calling a developer "chancer" must violate that. Is there any clear definition ? Any experienced programmer of mql5 can agree that i made high quality delivery and the rating have not anything to do with the requirement.

As I am not an expert in that field I cannot make a statement on that. Just explain your case well to Fiverr Customer Support as best as you can, they ultimately will be the one to decide what to do. But threatening you with a poor rating for additional work is already a violation in itself.

15 minutes ago, quantsfx said:

I know 😞 its very frustrating and demoralizing. I hope the insult is against their policies and that review can be removed.

Chill.. things happen.. as someone wise once told me, if you can help it, there's no need to worry and if you can't help it, there's no use of worrying 🤘

These sort of things might happen again.. and every time it happens you can't let the situation hold you down... so rant as much as you want, but also learn to move on.. 


It looks very clear whatever the buyer has done is unethical and unfair to the seller. Threatening a seller and pressurising him just to cancel the order so that one can avoid paying anything and get things for free is totally incorrect. 

The review made by buyer should be removed and buyer must be banned from Fiverr.


Hi guys i have great news !!! 💘
First i was so disappointed with the answer of support related to this topic here :



But you always should stand your ground if you are right and do not let this type of abusers use your time and destroy your reputation.


I sent following responses :



At the end we have got the great news here :



So yay !!!🥳 🕺 Its removed. I was a little bit lucky that this client harassed me and used inappropriate language.  I feel motivated to work on my next jobs and will be more picky to not face this type of situations again.

I hope this will help to re build some confidence on other sellers and will not let them get used and humaliated by the system abusers. I am so greatful to the fiverr support and a very big thanks for the support they provided at this case.

small candy note : They left my review on the buyer 😉 what i learned is before accepting the job checking the past references even for the buyer can give a good sign.


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